Part 20

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Ben looked at Kevin who was currently meditating in the guest bedroom "You need something Ben?" Kevin asked knowing he was there "Yeah, I felt an uncontrollable amount of anger before attacking Darius." Ben said holding his arm. Kevin got up and asked "Was it the first time you felt it?" Ben nodded and Kevin said "That wave of uncontrollable rage is from InGen's formula being unstable, it resulted in people like Sera or Grimlock." Ben looked at him confused "What does that mean for me?" Kevin then stated "You will lose control and become your Ankylosaurus act like it." Ben then looked afraid at Kevin and asked "Is there a cure?" Kevin nodded and said "The cure is true love and Ac-17. Which is at InGen's base." Ben looked at him like he was mad "Are you serious?" Kevin nodded. Ben slumped to the ground and said "Then I'm doomed." Kevin sighed and looked at his ally and stated "Not yet your not." Ben sighed and said "Thanks for your help Kevin." He then got up and walked out of the room. Darius who had listened to the whole conversation on complete accident looked at Ben as he walked out, "You alright Ben?" Darius asked in concern and Ben replied "Yeah, I just need to have some time alone." Darius nodded in acknowledgement. Ben walked out into the backyard and sat down on a rock, he closed his eyes and started to take deep breaths, that was until Yasmina snapped him out of it "So, how did it go?" Yaz asked and Ben turned to face her "It went..... fine." Yaz looked at him with suspicion and said "You can tell me if you would like." Ben then said "Kevin told me that the wave of aggression was from my dinosaur form starting to take over, the cure is like from that film was it frozen." Yaz giggled at him and Ben gave her a serious look. "You really thing Kevin isn't pulling your leg?" Yaz said looking at him, Kevin watched from the window and chuckled. "You really got him to believe that?" Amber asked leaning against the door frame "It's just a phase we had it the when we were younger." Kevin said and Amber facepalmed "You act like a kid sometimes you know that?" Amber said and Kevin chuckled "Watch the lovebirds flirt with each other." Amber then sat down next to him.

Yasmina looked at Ben as he tried to meditate like Kevin but he couldn't, Ben growled in anger but he quickly clutched his hand and took a deep breath. Yasmina got up and walked up next to him "Maybe you need some motivation." Yaz said and Ben then said "I'm not sure how that'll he-" Ben was cut off after Yaz started to tickle him. Ben fell off the rock and onto the grass, Yaz giggled and Ben looked up at her "Really? Tickling me is going to motivate me?" Ben asked and Yaz laughed and said "I had to start somewhere." Ben got up and said "In that case." He then tickled her on her lower stomach and she started to laugh and she grabbed Ben's hand and pulled him down as she fell. The two landed on top of each other and their faces went scarlet, Darius and the others watched and Brooklynn smiled while Sammy resisted the urge to whistle in happiness for the two. "Can you get off me now?" Yasmina asked and Ben snapped back to reality and got off her and extended his hand down to help her up and she grabbed his hand. The two then looked at Darius and the others and blushed a deep shade of red, Ben then walked inside and he then noticed a mistletoe in the hallway. "Nice try Darius!" Ben called out but Darius didn't reply, Ben then walked under the mistletoe and looked up and he sighed. It wasn't being held up by anyone, well that's not true as it was strung there by a nail however he heard a hiss and he looked over at the closet and it flung open "Clever girl." Ben muttered as Yaz tackled him. Ben grunted in pain as he hit his head on the wall with a thump and Yaz started to laugh and Ben looked at her with a not impressed look on his face.

"That hurt you know." Ben said rubbing the back of his head, he felt a bump and he sighed "What gave you the idea to prank me with the mistletoe and the fake raptor hissing?" Yasmina just shrugged and kissed Ben on the cheek and got off him. Ben got up and looked at a piece of paper on the mistletoe and it read 'the anger is a phase lol, I know you and Yasmina like each other- Kevin & Amber' Ben crushed the paper in his hand in anger. "You think he found out?" Kevin asked sitting on a chair and he heard Ben muttering to himself and stomping up the stairs "I'll try to buy you some time." Amber said and she kissed Kevin on the cheek as he ran. Ben looked around and said "Where the hell is Kevin?!" Amber then said quickly "Not here." Ben could tell she was lying and he stormed off after Kevin. However he was stopped when Darius called out his name and he walked off.

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