Part 25

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Darius slowly came back into conciseness and he shot up and looked around and he heard two voices arguing outside and he knew were he was. However he looked down at his right shoulder, bandages were covering a good portion of it and he grunted in pain when he tried to move his right arm. The door then opened to the med bay and a person stepped in "Darius Bowman, your awake." The person stated and Darius asked "Where am I?" The person pulled up a chair and sat down "You're in InGen's medical bay, but your not going to be used as a weapon unlike others. You along with your friends will be returned to Isla Nublar." The person said and Darius stated "So what's with using the Spinosaurus to capture us?" The person sighed and said "Smaug is known for being hyper aggressive when it comes to battles or anything really, while Alice is brutal and mindless, Smaug is intelligent and cunning. He knew how to take down each of you because he used his mind and used it to his advantage." Darius was worried before person who was a scientist Darius had realized got up and left. Meanwhile Smaug sat in a bio dome which looked almost like the terrain he lived in on Sorna it was calming to him "Come on out Alice, you might've fooled humans but you can't fool me." Smaug called out and Alice stepped out and Smaug stood up from his resting position and faced her "How is it that you were able to take them down so easily?" Alice snarled and Smaug said "I used my brain, which is clearly something you don't have." Alice snarled in anger and Smaug took a defensive stance ready to fight that is until they were both called down to the main building. Back with Darius he looked through a window standing next to Ben as they watched Yasmina getting patched up for her injuries on her chest, shoulder, and thigh. "She'll be alright Ben." Darius said to him as he watched and Ben still wouldn't listen to him "Trust me, Yasmina is a tough girl. It'll take more then a Spinosaurus to take her down." Ben didn't reply to Darius but continued to watch as Yasmina healed. After the campers had been all patched up they looked at the transport cages they would be placed into to return them to Nublar and Darius gasped when he saw Smaug's sail sticking out of a cage. "Why is HE on here?" Yasmina asked a mercenary who replied with "He volunteered to go to the island." Yasmina was confused why "Where's Requiem?" Yaz asked and the Mercenary pointed to cage right next to one that would fit a sauropod "I suggest you kids get to your cages with the other dinosaurs, the boats leaving soon." The mercenary stated and the campers climbed in their transport cages and shifted. Kenji did his best to give an impression of a Stegosaurus while an actual non shifter Stegosaurus followed suite.

Darius found himself sleeping for the whole ride back to the island and he woke up when he heard someone rap their hand on his transport cage door and Darius shifted back to his human form and stepped off to the familiar sight of Nublar and he breathed in the tropical air and he shapeshifted back into his dinosaur form as the other dinosaurs stepped off the boat and he said "Welcome to Isla Nublar." And he looked at the others and he asked "So what's the plan everyone?" Darius asked and Brooklynn stated "I don't know maybe we should return to our camp." Darius then nodded and galloped down the dock with the other campers and dinosaurs following close behind him as they returned to the wilds of Nublar with Smaug following behind them. Darius then bellowed as he approached the camp and he heard Zach yell "I can't believe it!" And Zach jumped over the railing followed by Maisie and Gray and in their dinosaur forms ran up to greet their friends "Your back!" Gray shouted in happiness and Darius said "Yes, yes we are." The campers then talked for hours while Smaug stood alone until Requiem walks up next to him "So, you know the rules right?" Smaug looked at him with confusion "Rules?" Requiem replied with "1. No hunting anything near the park, Rexy will chase you off, 2. Do not kill in the presence of the kids, and 3. Don't be a thick head and challenge Rexy." Smaug just nodded and sat down for some much needed rest. Darius then smiled as he heard Brachiosaurus in the distance he heard the mighty roar of Rexy echo throughout the territory.


Author note:
No this isn't the final chapter I will be releasing an epilogue later on so stay tuned for that. Over all this story did kinda feel rushed, so your probably wondering who will be the new villain? Well it'll be mantah Corp now since the InGen leader realized that the corporation should stay what it was when Masrani and John Hammond was around meaning they are now going to be good guys sorta. More like the protectors of Nublar actually.

Camp Cretaceous Jurassic sized problem book 3: homecoming Where stories live. Discover now