Part 23

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Brooklynn and Ben came to an agreement for the time being, Brooklynn and him would not go close to each other until after 3 weeks. However the only times they would be able to actually see each other was at meal times and training, but then the other campers were there to make sure a fight didn't happen. Grimlock once had to pry Brooklynn away from Ben and actually picked her up and walked over to the living room and placed her on the couch then walked back and shut the door. Surprising Brooklynn couldn't even lay a finger on him well aside from a scratch mark she gave him while trying to get out of his grasp. "So what's on the activities list?" Kenji asked laying back against the back of a sofa "First we have to wait for Grimlock to get back with the others." Darius said rubbing his temples, Grimlock had Taken Ben, Yasmina, Kevin, Susie, and Kevin out to go get something important which left Darius, Kenji, Sammy, Brooklynn, and Amber to hold the Fort since Brandon had to go out shopping with Darius' mom. Brooklynn sighed as she looked at her hair "My roots are starting to show...." she grumbled to herself while looking in the mirror, but she shrugged and walked back over to the others and sat down next to Darius and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Darius gave her a smile and the two bumped foreheads and that's when the door opened "Me Grimlock say we be back!" Grimlock announced walking in holding a large amount of paper towel rolls under one arm while the others were carrying in a white board. "Why did you guys get a white board?" Darius asked in general confusion and Ben gave him a shrug as he set up the white board with Yaz. "Let me get this straight, we have this white board for whatever reason that Grimlock isn't telling us." Brooklynn said and Ben nodded in agreement and Grimlock finally said "It for Darius to make plan." Darius looked at the white board after Ben and Yasmina finished setting it up. "Let's start the meeting, so if what Ben, Yaz, and Grimlock say is true then Alice the Indominus Rex that haunted our minds on Isla Nublar is here." Darius announced holding a marker "If she is on the same power level she was on Nublar or stronger she could easily bring us down or even kill us." The others looked at each other with fear on their faces while Darius continued "We know for a fact that Alice is unpredictable and dangerous, especially with Toro and the others recovering we are vulnerable." Yasmina then suggested "We should be trying to find a way back nublar, since from what I heard from a news broadcast that Nublar's lava in the valcano has cooled off." Darius thought for a moment but then shook his head and said "Not while Alice is still out there, we can't let her endanger anymore lives human, animal, or dinosaur."

Grimlock thought for a moment and he said "Me say we kill Alice then go home." The others agreed and Darius sighed "So, how do we bait her in?" Ben rubbed his hands together and said "I have the perfect trap in mind." Kevin then said "Ben no!" Ben then said "Ben yes." And he stood at the white board and began to draw out a trap "We have to make a pitfall trap but cover it in grass, moss, and leaves to hide it. When Alice charges us she falls into the trap and can't get out." The others looked at Ben and Kenji states "How are we supposed to make a fifty foot long carnivore fall into a pit? How would we even dig a trap like that?" Yasmina, Ben, Grimlock, and Darius facepalmed "There's something called a shovel. Ever heard of it?" Yasmina stated sarcastically and Kenji gave her an unimpressed glare. The campers continued to argue about how to trap Alice while Robertson watched them argue in his Queztalcoatlus form and he smiled evilly before flying off. Meanwhile Toro growled as he woke up from his medical forced sleep and he looked around confused "Where the hell am I?" Toro asked himself and he glanced around the room and he glared at a poster saying "Protect the dinosaurs" and it shows a Tyrannosaurus roaring with some Brachiosaurus in the background. He then saw the door open and he made a snarl at the person who entered, it was that red headed person from Nublar who put him in his paddock. "So Toro, what brings you to the mainland?" Claire asked the Carnotaurus and Toro glared at her but looked at her. "Isla Nublar is under a rule of a tyrant, not the Tyrannosaurus rex but InGen." Toro then said "You think I don't know this?" Claire then said in reply "Although you and the other dinosaurs that came with you being powerful you cannot stand alone." Toro looked at her confused and she continued "Do you know of Wu's experiments in nanobot technology?" Toro shook his head and said "No, I just thought that InGen made a formula that changes the genetics of humans to that of a dinosaurs." Claire sighed and said "I'm not taking about the shapeshifter formula. InGen made the nanobots to heal the injuries of dinosaurs. However your a different case, the Nanobots failed to fully make the scar disappear." Toro thought for a moment about what she meant and he then remembered that day he met Dairus and Kenji, "My paddock had hot springs in it, when I went to go drink from it the wound must've healed but the scar must've stayed." Claire looked at him and said "Your friends are an interesting bunch, from what I heard you tried to kill two of them when they entered your paddock and you later then chased them down but gave up on trying to kill them."

Toro sighed and glanced to the side "Well they were stuck as dinosaurs for that time, what was I supposed to do? Leave them to possibly die with that monster on the loose or argue and then go leave each other." Claire then cleared her throat and said "Sorry but I have to go, Toro you'll be able to see your friends in about two hours." Toro nodded as Claire left and the Carnotaurus lied down on the ground and sighed and said to himself "I just hope they haven't gotten into any trouble." Toro then went back to sleep and woke up two hours later and he glanced up hearing the door open. "Well, look what the raptor dragged in." Toro said lightly as the Campers practically piled onto him and Toro said "I totally didn't miss you people." Yasmina then said in reply "I know but we missed you." Toro sighed and rubbed his snout against the campers.

Camp Cretaceous Jurassic sized problem book 3: homecoming Where stories live. Discover now