Part 5

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Darius groaned in pain as he stretched, his wounds were fully healed yet and Brandon hugging him didn't help either. Ben meanwhile sighed as his parents had finally left him alone and he started to punch an punching bag and take his anger out on it instead of someone else. Brooklynn in the bathroom sighed as she combed her hair and she yelped in pain after she tugged on a knot in her hair and it sounded very dinosaur like and Brooklynn covered her mouth quickly. "Darius." Ben said deciding to talk to Darius and Darius turned around do his friend and Darius replied "Hey Ben." Ben looked at him and knew what he was going to do "Are you actually planning on turning into a dinosaur, here on the main land?" Darius sighed "Yeah, I just think the island is more welcoming then here." Ben shook his head and said "They would probably shoot you, you know that right." Darius sighed and sat down "It's just, I feel more connected with being along side the dinosaurs, and being able to blend into the crowd." Ben then nodded and said "Well, I'm going to the gym."

Ben entered the gym to see Yaz doing leg presses and Ben walked over to the treadmill and he started to run on it and he actually nearly became his dinosaur form until Yaz turned it off "Ben." Yaz started and Ben looked at his scales and tail and they disappeared "I know, I have to control my body." Ben said and Yaz just hugged him and he pulled away and she realized why instantly, she was full of sweat.

Darius went up with Sammy and Kenji to go check on Brooklynn and Darius saw a tail for a second and the door to Brooklynn's room closed and Darius said "Brooklynn, can we come in?" Brooklynn replied quickly "Uh sure." Darius opened the door to see Brooklynn in her dinosaur form "You have got to be kidding me." Kenji almost yelled. Brooklynn was embarrassed since her head was in the shower and her tail was touching the extra bed. "Brook, really?" Darius asked walking over the front of Brooklynn and she shifted back "I was combing my hair, until I tugged on a knot and my body turned into my dinosaur form." Brooklynn explained to her friends who nodded in agreement and didn't say a word.

Author note:
The campers bodies will react to pain in different ways such as for Brooklynn tugged on a knot in her hair her body reacted by turning her into her dinosaur form.

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