Part 22

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In the morning Ben woke up and yawned as the sun was just rising, the Ankylosaurus shifter stood up and stretched and he walked over to the river to drink. While Ben was drinking he heard a branch snap and he looked up from the water and he looked around wildly and he got in into a offensive stance with his tail held high above his head and he stood there for a few moments and nothing happened. Ben then looked at the water and he looked as there was something in the river, no someone. Ben walked into the river and clamped his beak on the persons shoe and dragged them out of the water, Ben dropped them on the ground and he flipped them over and he took a step back, it was Yasmina, Ben placed his head close to her body to make sure she was breathing which she was and he bellowed in her ear which woke her up. Yaz spat out water in Ben's face and he gave her an unimpressed grumble "Bumpy?" Yaz asked Ben who would've facepalmed with his tail but he did it with his foot. "Ben?" Yaz asked and Ben nodded "We looked everywhere for you! Do you know how worried we were?!" Yaz said raising her voice a bit but Ben looked down with a saddened look that Yaz couldn't stay mad at. Yaz then hugged Ben and he just rested his head on her back, and he shifted back to his human form "Okay, how did you end up in a river?" Ben asked finally and Yasmina said "I honestly have no idea either." Ben sat down in front of her and he noticed something "You look like as if you'd hit your head repeatedly, were you sleep walking?" Ben asked and Yaz looked him and then stuttered "N-No I didn't, s-shut up." Ben chuckled softly and then said "I suggest you shapeshift into your dinosaur form, we a have a long trip ahead of us." Yasmina looked confused at him and she asked "We're abandoning the others just because Brooklynn attacked you?" Ben looked back at her but then looked up and he shouted "Look out!" Yaz looked behind her and jumped out of the way as a Tyrannosaurus' jaws nearly closed around her chest. The tyrannosaurus skid to a halt and Yasmina got a clear look at it, the colours matched that of Grimlock, but he was on Isla nublar.

Ben got between the two and he bellowed at Grimlock who roared at him and the two began to circle each other and Ben swung his tail at Grimlock. Grimlock dodged the blow and he snapped at Ben but Ben dodged the bite and Grimlock swung his tail at Ben and it hit him in the face. Ben grunted in pain as he hit the ground and he bellowed at Grimlock who roared back at him and they continued to have a roaring match and Grimlock was starting to win as he was making Ben back up. However a roar rivalled Grimlock's roar and the two look up and Grimlock snarled at the new comer, but both him, Ben, and Yasmina started to back away. Alice roared as she changed her colours back to her normal colours and she charged at the three, Grimlock roared and he charged at her. Alice clawed Grimlock on the face and he roared in pain and in retaliation clamped his jaws on Alice's neck and Alice roared and grabbed Grimlock's face with her arms and pried him off. Grimlock roared in pain as he landed on the ground and Alice walked up to him and she smirked, this was the same circumstance as 2015 but this time no pesky raptor to stop her from killing the raptor. "Hey ugly!" Yasmina shouted and she threw a stick at Alice and it hit her on the face and she looked up, "Oh shit." Yaz muttered and Alice roared at her and chased after her. Yaz ran off with Alice chasing after her and Grimlock got up and charged after them and he clamped onto Alice's tail and pulled her back, Alice roared at Grimlock and Grimlock roared back at her. Ben then swung his tail at Alice and she growled in pain and grabbed Ben's tail when he swung it at her again and she threw him at Grimlock. The two collided and fell to the ground "Two birds with one stone, never thought I would be able to take out two of Darius' closest friends." Alice said with a sadistic smile on her face. "You stay away from them!!!" Yasmina screamed as she charged at Alice in her Mamenchisaurus form and when she collided with her Alice was sent flying back and the sound of ribs breaking was heard when Alice hit the ground "You think you'll win? You have no idea of what InGen can do." Alice snarled with one arm holding her left side of her torso.

"We'll take our chances." Ben said getting off Grimlock and he said "Now leave or it begins with the face stomping." Alice snarled but then limped off in defeat "Grimlock why are you here?" Ben finally asked him and Grimlock said "Me don't know how me got here." Ben then shifted back to his human form and Yaz followed "Can you shift back?" Ben asked Grimlock and he nodded and shifted back to his human form. The two then hugged Grimlock and Grimlock at first was shocked but then returned the favour "We're glad your alright." Ben admitted and Grimlock sighed and asked "Where are the others?" Ben and Yasmina looked down and Grimlock then asked "Are they dead?" Ben quickly shook his head "I just can't trust them anymore..... especially after Brooklynn attacked me after Darius sprained his ankle." Grimlock looked at them said "We go back and tell them what happened, that's my final answer." The two nodded and Grimlock shifted into his Dinosaur form and the two others followed and they began to head back to the others. Darius glanced at his cup of water and he saw ripples in it and he looked confused and he looked up and out the window to see a familiar Mamenchisaurus approaching the gate. Darius tore down the stairs and out the back the door and he watched as Yasmina and Ben walked through the gate and his eyes widened as Grimlock stepped through the gate and into the backyard.

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