Part 12

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At Darius' house Amber's head rested on Kevin's shoulder and Kevin looked at her and then he looked back out at the sun which was setting and he smirked "I've always admired the sun." Kevin said and Amber looked at him her light green eyes looking into his icy green. He could tell she didn't know what to say "I would use to just look at the sun set all the time until it was dark or I had to do something else." Kevin continued and Amber slowly drifted off to sleep and Kevin soon followed as the sun disappeared behind the mountains. They woke up to the sound of Toro yawning and he looked at them and decided not to make a big deal until everyone else woke up. Kevin got up and saw Darius sitting in the now repaired backyard and he walked out into the yard as well and looked at Darius. Kevin sat down next to him knowing he was meditating and he started to meditate next to Darius. The two were disturbed when they heard a scream and the two rushed into the kitchen to see a mess of cookie dough and frosting "What happened?" Kevin asked dodging a glob of cookie dough and Amber replied "We tried to use our powers to makes cookies, but as you can see it didn't turn out that well." Brooklynn then sneezed and some cookie dough flew off her face onto Toro's face and he licks it off and sticks out his tongue in disgust.

Darius sighed as Brandon entered "What happened?" Brandon asked looking at the mess and Kevin said "It's pretty self expiatory." Toro snorted as he looked at the dough on the ceiling and Darius just noticed it as well 'How are we supposed to explain this?" Darius said and Brandon said "It's quite simple." Brandon then handed out mops and gloves and darius groaned as he pulled dough off the wall and dump it into the garbage bag. Kevin grumbled as he tugged a glob off of the ceiling while Amber growled as she used her Yutyrannus claws to scrap a glob of dough off. "We're almost done." Brooklynn said pulling off the last bit of dough and icing.

*meanwhile at Ben's place*

Ben looked out the window into his back yard seeing Bumpy asleep next to Chaos and he sighed as Chaos got up and yawned.

Author note:
With the campers having dinosaurs living in their homes, what could go wrong?

Find out next time on


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