Part 19

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(don't place the song until i say)

The ride back was long and the campers were cramped together in the minivan, Darius sighed as he was pressed up against the window of the car by Brooklynn and Ben. "Can't breath." Darius wheezed and Ben tried his best not to crush him but it was incredibly cramped inside "Sorry." Ben said but he was still crushing Darius by a few inches. It was a long boring ride back to the city, when they got back to Darius' families house Darius stretched and said "That car was so cramped." Ben nodded in agreement and they walked inside after Brandon unlocked the door "We should talk about what we do next time we face InGen." Brooklynn suggested and Kevin said "You guys go do that while I'm going to go put rubbing alcohol on my wounds." Amber and Jacob followed him "We should destroy them next time we face them." Ben said and Darius shook his head and said "We'd be no better then them doing so." Ben looked at Darius and stated "They won't go easy on us." darius then said in reply "Were they ever easy on us? They shocked me repeatedly, Brooklynn was the same while you and Yaz were nearly killed by Alice." Ben glared at Darius and he glared back. "Ben we can't destroy our enemies, we have to be smart about it." Darius said but then Ben's fist hit him in the jaw and Darius got up and swung at Ben who dodged and kicked Darius and he flew backwards and broke through the door into the backyard. Ben charged at him and Darius shifted and knocked him back. Ben then shifted and bellowed at Darius (play the music now) the two charged at each other and Ben swung his tail at Darius who ducked under it and slammed his tail into ben's chest knocking him back. Darius and Ben bashed heads and pushed each other. Ben then bellowed and charged at darius and Darius charged at him, however Kevin got between them in his triceratops form and stopped the two from charging. "Both of you need to stop now." Kevin stated looking between the two and they shifted back and Kevin followed and he said "This is exactly what InGen wants, for us to be divided to they can pick us off. That's how they got me, sera, Markus, Robertson, Jacob, Liam, Amber, and Max to follow them." Ben and Darius looked at each other and then at the ground.

The others who were watching were dumbfounded that Ben would just lash out at Darius, they were friends. Kevin then led the two inside and sighed "You two better not do anything like this again." Ben then sat down in a chair and put his face in his hands. Yaz looked at him and Sammy suggested "Ya should go talk to him, he'll listen to ya." Yasmina nodded and walked over to Ben "Do you want to talk about what happened?" Yaz asked and Ben looked up at her "I don't know what came over me, I just felt this wave of aggression wash over me." Ben stated confusion in his voice "Maybe Kevin knows about what's happening to you, I think you should ask him." Ben nodded and then looked at Yaz. She had a cut on her cheek and she looked tired "I think we should all get some sleep, right D?" Ben suggested to Darius and Ben then said "Darius?" Ben stood up and walked over to where Darius was standing and he gasped. Standing in the yard was a 8 foot tall raptor like creature and it looked at them and roared, Darius took a step back as the creature took a step towards the house "What the hell is that?" Ben asked looking at Darius and he responded with "I'm not sure, but it's no dinosaur." However the dinosaur then disappeared from the yard.

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