Part 21

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Darius watched as Ben swung his fists in the air with bandages covering his hands and Darius walked over to him and asked, "What are you doing Ben?" Ben looked at him from his stance and he said "Practicing my punches, why do you ask?" Darius just shrugged and grabbed the bandages and wrapped them around his hands and said "Because you look like you need a sparring partner." Ben nodded and got into a fighting position and Darius followed. Ben swung his fist at Darius who dodged and Darius swung his fist at Ben but he blocked, Kenji nearly dropped his glass of water when he saw them sparring. However he realized they weren't actually fighting and he decided not to do anything. Ben swung his fist at Darius who blocked with his arm, Ben then blocked Darius' punch and he then noticed Darius was leaning off his right leg and he tripped his left leg and caught Darius by his shirt before he hit the ground "How did you...." Darius said and Ben pulled him up "I noticed you were leaning off your right leg, are you alright?" Ben said and Darius sighed "I hurt my leg yesterday by stepping the wrong way, it hurts a lot." Ben then put Darius' arm over his shoulder and helped him get to the house. When they got inside Ben said "Your stubborn you know that." Ben stated why walking and Darius chuckled "Not as stubborn as you." Ben looked at him with a raised eyebrow and he said "Well at least I'm not obsessed with my looks like Kenji or my followers like Brooklynn." Darius gave Ben a glare after that and Ben just chuckled and continued to walk to the living room. However he froze when he saw the others in the living room talking, "What happened?" Brooklynn asked in alarm and Ben said "Darius hurt himself while we were sparring-" but before he could finished Brooklynn had already tackled him onto the ground. Ben was completely taken by surprise that Brooklynn had tackled him and he looked up at her with fear on his face, her eyes matched that of the Indominus Rex. Ben struggled under Brooklynn's grasp as she glared at him, "Brooklynn wait! I hurt myself, Ben didn't do anything!" Darius exclaimed and Brooklynn got off Ben but shoved his head into the ground. Ben grunted in pain after that and got up and he backed away from Brooklynn with fear on his face and Ben took off.

Ben tore out the back door and ran into the forest behind the house as fast as he could and he shifted into his Ankylosaurus form and continued to gallop into the foliage. He heard Darius and Kenji's voice in the distance but he ignored them, he just wanted to get as far from Brooklynn as possible. He soon found himself in the deep parts of the Costa Rica jungle and he looked around and in every direction he looked he saw forest around him. Ben then listened to the sound of the birds and other animals in the forest and he heard the sound of water rushing and he trotted up cautiously to the river and he looked over his shoulder and when he knew the coast was clear he began to drink. He wasn't lying to himself when he thought to himself 'It feels great to be able to be a dinosaur and stretch.' Ben after drinking his fill dove into the water and swam across the river and when he climbed out he trotted over to a small patch of ferns and he lay on the ferns as a kind of bed. Darius and Kenji ran through the underbrush looking for Ben but they lost him the moment he ran into the deeper part of the forest. "Where do you think he went?" Darius asked "Not sure but knowing him, he could be anywhere." Kenji responded and while his hands were on his knees trying to catch his breath. Darius slumped down against a tree and he began to think, "If I were Ben where would I go?" Darius stated rubbing his chin with his pointer thing and thumb, "I would go to a place that has water and food." Darius said and Kenji continued his sentence "But stay in dinosaur form in case I get attacked so I can make a speedy retreat or fight back." The two heard rustling behind them and they got into a fighting stance but Brooklynn had to almost shout at them "Wait its just us!" Darius breathed a sigh of relief and he looked at her. "We had to wake up Kevin from his nap." Brooklynn explained as Kevin walked up. "We need to find Ben before InGen does." Kevin explained and Darius said "Jee I just wish one of our teammates had a tyrannosauridae form that could help us find him." Kenji quickly caught on to what Darius was getting at and said "Someone who has black hair with blue and green highlights." Amber looked at them confused for a moment and then facepalmed and shifted. Amber sniffed the ground for Ben's sent and she caught it and said "It leads north."

The campers followed Amber as she took off and she stopped when she came to a river, "What is it?" Darius asked and Amber said "Ben swam across, I can't see him though." Darius sighed and said "He's probably either been taken or is long gone by now." The campers turned away and began to walk off while Ben was hiding behind the small waterfall and he sighed in relief but waited until he was sure they were gone. Ben then walked out from behind it and shifted back into his Ankylosaurus form and he lied back down in the fern patch, Ben felt a fern tickle him on the nose and he sneezed and shook his head and went back to sleep. Yasmina looked out the window and silently prayed that Ben was alright.

Camp Cretaceous Jurassic sized problem book 3: homecoming Where stories live. Discover now