Part 8

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Toro looked at the campers parents and he could easily smell the fear coming off them and he snorted.  Darius looked at Toro and he said said to the families "He won't bite, I hope." Toro then stalked up to the families and he looked at Brandon in the eyes and Brandon felt like Toro was looking into his soul, "Darius translate for me." Toro said to Darius who nods and Toro says "Greetings families of the campers, my name is Toro." Darius translated what Toro was saying into English. "You all are in grave danger of being killed by InGen, we have battled them twice, but every time we beat they get more powerful." Toro said continuing and Darius translated while a sniper readied to kill Darius. "Target spotted." The sniper said but he felt a hand on his shoulder "Not yet." Kevin said and the sniper nodded and Kevin looked at the campers and their families from the trees and he motioned to the sniper to retreat.

Kevin returned to base alone since the sniper returned to his squad and he looked at Robertson talking to Jacob. "Boss isn't going to be happy that you failed." Robertson said knowing Kevin failed. Kevin just shrugged and walked into the throne Tom and He looked up at the leader of InGen and he bowed. "You failed me." The leader said and Kevin said "More like i was waiting until he was alone." The leader looked at him his helmet covering his face and Kevin could tell he was interested "Since if we get him alone, his friends and family can rescue him or take teh bullet for him." Kevin explained and the leader said "You are dismissed." Kevin nodded and left and he bummed into a teenage girl while walking out making her drop her research "Oops." Kevin said and picked up one of the files and handing it back to her  "Thanks." She said and Kevin replied looking at her name tag "No problem Susie." Susie then entered the chamber while Kevin went to the security district to speak to Nick who shifted into a Metricanthosaurus. "So Nick how has your day been?" Kevin asked Nick and nick replied "Boring, yours?" Kevin just chuckled and sat down in a chair and he noticed a cigarette package on Nick's desk "Really Kevin, Cigarettes?" Nick tried to grab the pack but Kevin grabbed it before him and he tossed it into the garbage "What the hell man?" Nick said and Kevin replied "You know as much as I that you can't smoke cigarettes." Nick looked down ashamed and Kevin got up to let him think on his own. 

Author note:

two new InGen workers that are shifters just joined the cast.

Susie belongs to @Evastarunit73  and he allowed me to add his character to my story. Until nxt time on 


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