Part 24

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The campers spent the whole day chatting with Toro and the others and Toro sighed "Can you kids ever stay out of trouble?" They shook their heads and Toro facepalmed with his tail while Chaos chuckled "So you guys decided the best way to trap Alice was to put her in a pitfall trap?" The baryonyx asked trying his best not to laugh. "We couldn't dig a hole in the ground because the shovels broke somehow, my bet is that someone stepped on them as a dinosaur." Ben said looking at Amber, Yasmina, and Grimlock "Hey!" All three shouted at him and Ben laughed slightly, Requiem sat outside watching over the flank while the others talked and he snorted as his eyes scanned the area for the fifth time and his eyes then landed on a patch of the fence and trees moving and he used his tail to flick on the lights and he saw her. Alice snarled as her cover was blown and she roared at Requiem and he roared back getting the campers attention and they ran over to see Alice and Requiem at each other's throats. The two large therapods clashed until Alice threw Requiem into a shed and she roared at the campers and began to charge. Darius shifted and roared back at her and She roared back at him, Alice snarled as Ben joined in on Darius' side and then Kevin and Kenji joined in. Soon all of the campers joined in and roared at Alice and she was beginning to back off as she and Alice roared and retreated after Requiem joined in on the campers side, Alice fled into the dark and Darius and the others collapsed. All that constant roaring had taken a tole on their voice box's and lungs "That.... was... awesome." Kenji wheezed while lying on the ground and Darius could only nod in reply "How... did... we... manage... to.. scare... her... off?" Yasmina asked also out of breath and Darius said "We intimidated her, she retreated when we outmatched her in the standoff. Surprising that it worked though." Yasmina sighed and lied on her back her arms outstretched and she looked up at the sky while Grimlock leaned against a tree and he looked up at the sky as well. The campers watched as day turned to night and Ben glanced over at Yaz who was looking up at the sky and Ben then looked back at the sky.

"I failed to even kill one of them." Alice admitted when standing in front of InGen's leader and he sat in his chair calmly "It's clear that we no longer have the advantage over them anymore. Which is why I'm bringing in a new asset to help bring them down." He said in a calm manor and he then announced "Alice meet the apex of Sorna, the Tyrannosaurus killer. Smaug." Alice glanced over her shoulder as a massive Spinosaurus who was 46 feet long and a sail stood on his back making him taller then her and she glared at the therapod as he walked up next to her "How may I serve you, my lord?" Smaug asked and InGen's leader said "I want you to take down the campers and their pet dinosaurs. But I want them alive Smaug." Smaug nodded and headed off to go find these 'Campers' and bring them to his leader. Alice continued to glare at him even after he left the room "What do you want me to do?" Alice asked him as the leader sat in his chair "I want you to find and herd the escaped dinosaurs back to here." He stated calmly and Alice nodded and stomped off to go capture the escaped dinosaurs. Meanwhile Nick was in the training hall with Robertson and Jacob and he swung his wooden staff at Robertson who blocked the strike with his wooden staff. Nick then spun his staff in his hands and he then tripped Jacob with his staff and Jacob fell to the floor mats and he grunted in pain, Robertson then took a defensive stance and he motioned for Nick to charge at him and Nick leaped at him and he slammed his staff down but Robertson dodged the staff and he knocked the staff out of Nick's hands and Robertson stated "Yield." Nick then said "I yield, just don't kill me." Robertson scoffed and threw his staff away and helped Nick stand up. "Your getting stronger but not strong enough." Robertson said to Nick and Jacob rubbed the back of his head "But still try not to give me a concussion." Jacob said in pain and the three walked out of the training hall. Smaug meanwhile having been walking for hours made his way through the forest, he had no care if any human saw him, he just wanted to draw the campers out. Smaug sniffed at air and smirked, he approached the edge of the forest and he smiled. He was exactly were he wanted to be and he roared as he emerged fully, Smaug took threatening strides and he roared again. Smaug smirked as he saw the campers step out "So your the little pests who made a fool out of InGen twice?" Smaug asked looking at the campers and he took and offensive stance. "We've defeated things bigger then you!" A pink haired girl shouted at him and Smaug smiled as their leader corrected her "He's not like the Tylosaurus we killed on Nublar and he's larger then Alice." Smaug then began to circle them like a shark and he snapped at them occasionally and the Campers shifted into the dinosaurs and Smaug looked up at Yasmina with an un intimidated glare on his face. Ben then swung his tail at Smaug and he dodged the strike and he snapped at Ben provoking him into charging but Smaug swung his tail at Ben knocking him into the ground making dirt fly up after Ben hit the ground. Smaug glared at Sammy as she charged him and Smaug grabbed her by the frill and threw her into the ground. Kenji then swung his tail at Smaug's face and it skimmed some scales off of his face, Smaug then gave Kenji a swift kick and then smacked Kenji to the ground with his hand.

Darius and Kevin Charged Smaug at the same time but Smaug easily knocked them into the the ground and Smaug then looked up as Yasmina reared up ready to crush him but Smaug dodged the blow and noticed the scar from Markus. Smaug then clamped his Jaws onto Yaz's side making her bellow in pain and Smaug then dug his claws into her thigh and shoulder and Yasmina fell to the ground. "You stay away from them!!!" Amber screamed in her Yutyrannus form and she collided with Smaug and began to push him backwards but Smaug then kicked her in the chest and then knocked the air out her lungs and Smaug smiled evilly but he then turned to face Grimlock and he stated "Finally a worthy challenger approaches." Grimlock didn't reply and he charged at Smaug but Smaug knocked him down and put his foot on Grimlock's neck "I would kill you if InGen's leader didn't want you alive." Smaug snarled at Grimlock who only growled weakly. The Spinosaurus then knocked out Brooklynn, Max, and Susie with a single tail swipe, Smaug then roared in victory which led to InGen showing up to the site with transport cages and then they were loaded up into the helicopters and taken back to the InGen facility while Smaug went back into the forest to go back to the facility on foot.

Camp Cretaceous Jurassic sized problem book 3: homecoming Where stories live. Discover now