|T H E S O R T I N G|

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THE BLACKS, MALFOYS & ZABINIS WALKED ONTO PLATFORM 9¾. They caught the attention of the other families, but didn't pay any mind to it.

"You'll write to us, right?" Sirius asked, worrying for his son as it was the first time that they'd be away from each other for so long.

Rigel nodded, "Yes, Siri."

"Keep in mind that we don't care what house you'll be put in." Remus pointed out as he kissed Rigel's forehead.

"You're acting as if I'm not going to be in Slytherin.." Rigel joked, earning a laugh from Sirius and a soft smile from Remus.

The train's whistle blew, signaling everyone that they had five minutes. "Go. Write to us, all of you." Narcissa said as she gave hugs to the kids.

Blaise, Draco & Rigel walked onto the train and sat at an empty compartment.


Draco and Blaise were playing exploding snap, while Rigel was reading a book. The compartment door slammed open, catching their attention.

"Have you seen Harry Potter?" A know-it-all voice asked.

The trio shared glances, they were about to answer but-

"I'm looking for him. We're going to bestfriends." She continued, not aware of the looks she was getting.

"Who are you?" Draco finally asked.

The girl looked at him and puffed her chest out proudly, "I'm Hermione Granger. I was the first in my family to become a witch. My mum and dad were so proud.."

"Muggleborn?" The 3 asked simultaneously in disgust.

She nodded, "Yes. Now, have you seen Harry?"

"Hermione!" A boy said, running up to her.

"Weasley.." The 3 friends in the compartment sneered simultaneously.

Ron's eyes widened at who was in there, and he immediately tried looking confident, "Death eaters."

"Atleast the dark lord would want us," Rigel snapped, "Who'd want you?"

Ron glared at him, "None of your business, Black."

"Black?" Hermione asked in shock, "I read all about your family. Your family is French, but have lived in the UK for so long-"

"-I think I know my family." Rigel cut her off.

Hermione huffed, "That's rude, you know."

"Get out." Blaise finally snapped.

"And who are you?" Hermione asked as she glared at him.

"Blaise Zabini."

Hermione rolled her eyes, "I'm sure Harry Potter would put you in your place."

"Hermione-" Ron tried.

"Oh yeah?" Draco asked her, ignoring Ron.

Hermione nodded and stuck her nose in the air, "Yes. He's going to be a Gryffindor like his parents and he'll be bestfriends with us. We're going on all kinds of adventures with him. We'll even save the world from you-know-who."

"Wow, Granger. You certainly have planned my life out." Rigel deadpanned.

Granger looked at him for a few seconds before bursting out laughing, "You? Harry Potter?"

"Hermione. It is him." Ron said. Everyone in the wizarding world already knows about Harry Potter getting blood adopted into the Blacks, so it was no surprise that he knew, but it seems like the muggleborns didn't.

Hermione looked at him in disbelief, "Where's his scar?"

Rigel rolled his eyes, but pulled his curly black hair up to reveal the lightning bolt scar. Hermione gasped, "I've read all about-"

"Get the fuck out." The 3 friends snapped simultaneously.

Ron glared at them, "Come on, Harry. You shouldn't hang out with slimy snakes."

Rigel went back to his book, not paying a glance to the blood traitor.

"Harry? I'm talking to you, mate." Ron said as he pulled the book out of Rigel's hands.

Draco and Blaise gasped. Nobody can get away with what Ron just did. Not even Sirius.

"My name is Rigel.." Rigel said through gritted teeth and pulled out his wand.

"You're not supposed to do magic on the train-" Hermione said, but was ignored.

"Flipendo." Rigel casted, catching his book which was thrown into the air when Ron was flipped back harshly.

"Out, mudblood. Or you're next." Blaise said, looking at Hermione with disgust.

Hermione huffed, but still left.


"Granger, Hermione!" Professor McGonagall said. They were all getting sorted right now. Rigel tuned out the sorting and felt someone's eye on him. He looked at the staff table and saw a purple turban. His scar started tingling slightly. Rigel gave a wink to the turban, not knowing that he just caught someone's intrigued attention on him for the rest of his life.

"Potter, Harry!" The great hall all quietened down. Rigel stepped up and glared at Professor McGonagall. He waved his hand once, "I request that you call out my actual name, Professor."

McGonagall looked back at the parchment, her eyes widened at the wandless magic he just did, 'Harry Potter' was now changed into 'Rigel Black', "B-Black, Rigel!"

Rigel sat down on the stool, the hat didn't even touch his head when it shouted, "SLYTHERIN!"

The Slytherin table clapped as Rigel sat down at his house table next to Draco and Blaise.

Dumbledore stood up, making the students silent immediately, "'Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts! Before we begin our banquet, I would like to say a few words. And here they are: Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak! Thank you."

"He's mad." Blaise stated.

"Extremely." Draco agreed.

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