|B O G G A R T S|

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THE NEXT FEW DAYS PASSED BY IN A BLUR. Right now, the third year Slytherins and Gryffindors walked into the DADA classroom where Snape was sitting in a low armchair, sneering when professor Remus Black walked in.

"Leave it open, Black. I'd rather not witness this." Snape said. He got to his feet and strode past the class, his black robes billowing behind him. At the doorway, he turned on his heel and said, "Possibly no one's warned you, Black, but this classroom contains Neville Longbottom. I would advise you not to entrust him with anything difficult. Not unless Miss Granger is hissing instructions in his ear."

Neville went scarlet, while all the Gryffindors glared at Snape.

Professor Black raised his eyebrows. "I was hoping that Neville would assist me with the first stage of the operation, and I am sure he will perform it admirably."

Neville's face went, if possible, even redder. Snape's lips curled, but he left, shutting the door with a snap.

"Now, then," said Remus, beckoning the class towards the end of the room, where there was nothing but an old wardrobe. As Professor Black went to stand next to it, the wardrobe gave a sudden wobble, banging off the wall.

"Nothing to worry about," said Professor Black calmly, since a few people had jumped back in alarm. "There's a boggart in there. Can anyone tell me what a boggart is?"

Rigel raised his hand, earning a small grin from Remus. "It's a shape-shifter. It can take the form of whatever frightens us most."

Remus nodded, "Couldn't have said it better myself. 10 points to Slytherin. Now, the charm to repel a boggart is simple. You see, what really finishes a boggart is laughter. Repeat it after me 'Riddikulus!'."

"Riddikulus!" said the class together.

"Good," said the Professor. "Neville, will you please step up?"

Neville walked over, shaking. "Now, what frightens you most, Neville?"

"P-Professor.. Snape."

The class laughed, while Remus smiled kindly. "Yes, frightens all. And I believe you live with your grandmother?"

"Yes, but I don't want that boggart to turn into her either!"

"No, it won't," said Remus patiently, muttering a few things in Neville's ear.


About 20 minutes later, almost half of the class had faced their boggarts, and it was finally Rigel's turn.

Remus stood up straighter, having a feeling what it would be.

He was right when the boggart turned into a dementor, so he rushed over in front of his son, "Here!"

He ignored the fake dead bodies of Sirius and Rigel on the ground, "Riddikulus!" He exclaimed, sighing in relief when the boggart was gone. "Class dismissed."

Everyone walked out of the classroom, but Rigel stayed, since he had a free period and wanted to spend some time with Remus.

"Why'd you stop me?"

"Even though it's only a boggart, it will still make you re-live your worst memories." Remus explained, "Are you alright?"

Rigel nodded, running his hand through his hair. "I didn't think my boggart would be a.. dementor."

"Maybe it's not the dementor itself, but the memory that comes with it." Remus knowingly pointed out.

Rigel stilled for a few seconds, then nodded. "Maybe."

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