|P E T E R P E T T I G R E W|

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A FEW DAYS LATER, RIGEL WALKED DOWNSTAIRS FOR BREAKFAST, IMMEDIATELY FROWNING AT THE TENSE MOOD. "What's going on?" He asked, sitting down and putting some breakfast on his plate.

Sirius, Remus, and Tom shared a look. "Nothing." The three said simultaneously, making Rigel look at them suspiciously.

"Okay.." Rigel said, "Kreacher."

"What can Kreacher do for master heir?"

"Get me the daily prophet."

"Yes, master." Kreacher bowed and popped away.

Rigel took a sip of his coffee, immediately choking on it when Kreacher handed him the daily prophet and left.

Peter Pettigrew, as we all know— the mass murderer (murdering 12 muggles), trying to frame Lord Black, and the worst crime of his: Selling out the Potters to He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. Peter Pettigrew was the secret keeper—'

Rigel stopped reading, sneering at the picture of the coward on the daily prophet. "How- How did he break out of Azkaban?"

Sirius frowned at the slight pain in his voice. "We don't know, but we have a theory."

"Why now?"

"We don't know." Remus joined in, putting his hand on his son's. "We'll figure this out, Ri."

Rigel didn't answer, pushing his plate of food away, and took the daily prophet again, not looking up from it.

"Is he after me?" Rigel asked.

It was a simple question, but the answer wasn't as simple.

"We don't know." admitted Remus, "Just in case.. Sirius and I are your new DADA teachers this year."

Rigel nodded slowly, his emotionless mask back in place.

Indigo lifted her head up from her place, which was around Rigel's neck. "Why does master look stressed?"

The snake had been in the forbidden forest most of the time, because she liked hunting, so Rigel just let her be.

"I'm not stressed, darling." Rigel replied, still not looking up from the daily prophet that was clutched tightly in his hands. "Merely thinking."

Tom unconsciously took a sharp intake of breath at Rigel speaking parseltongue, but they didn't hear him.

Rigel frowned slightly, feeling his lightning bolt scar sting for a second. He put two fingers over it and winced a bit, not knowing what was happening.

Tom, who noticed this, looked away and took a sip of his coffee, hoping nobody saw the flush that spread across his cheeks.


As soon as Rigel reached his room, he slammed his door shut and punched the wall, only stopping when his snake said, "Master you are bleeding!" in alarm.

Rigel looked at his hands, rolling his eyes when he noticed his bruised and bleeding knuckles. "I'm fine, darling. It's nothing."

The door opened, catching his attention. Tom walked in, immediately frowning at the sight of Rigel's bruised knuckles. "Here, let me heal you."

"I don't need your help."

"Rigel. You're bleeding." Tom pointed to the blood on the floor that dripped from Rigel's hands.

"Doesn't matter—" he stopped talking when Tom grabbed his hand, making a spark go through both of their bodies, but they ignored it. He watched as Tom started healing his hands, "I told you, I don't need your help."

"Shut up, Rigel." Tom immediately said, making Rigel roll his eyes.

"You are so nice." mumbled Rigel sarcastically.

Tom raised his head, looking into his eyes as he grabbed his other hand. He smiled slightly, "Nicer than you have ever been to me, eh?" He teased and went back to healing his hand.

Rigel frowned, not looking away from Tom. He was mean to everyone except for Remus and Sirius, so being mean to Tom just came naturally. The fact that he had murdered his parents just made Rigel be meaner to him.

"I.. didn't know you felt that way."

Tom's eyebrows rose, and he let out a small laugh. "You are not to blame, Rigel. I am, so I deserve it. However, do keep in mind that sometimes, I do actually worry for you. You are my horcrux after all." He added the last part quickly, not knowing why.

Rigel's face dropped slightly, not that Tom noticed, since he was too busy with healing his hands. "Oh.. Of course."

Tom stepped back once he was done with the healing, and he put away his wand. "Do be careful. We don't want broken hands next." He teased.

Rigel nodded once, "Don't worry. No harm will be done to your horcrux if I break a hand or something like that."

Tom pursed his lips, not wanting to believe the fact that he was concerned for Rigel's wellbeing more than the horcrux, so he just nodded and walked out of the room.

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