|D o n 't G o W h e r e I C a n 't F o l l o w|

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RIGEL CROSSED HIS ARMS ANGRILY, BUT HIS EYES HELD HURT. "Tom, please.." he practically begged when his boyfriend tried to walk out of the room. "You don't have to go.."

It was now May 2nd 1998, meaning it was the day of the Battle Of Hogwarts.

Rigel had been begging Tom not to go for the past month in fear of losing him, which Tom understood, but his followers wouldn't last without him and all their hard work would be for nothing.

Tom's hand left the door-handle as he turned around and walked over to Rigel, kissing his forehead. "I have to, my love. I'll be back."

The younger boy sighed. Their lips brushed each other's for a few second until Rigel pulled him in and kissed him passionately, which Tom immediately returned.

As soon as they pulled away to catch their breath, Rigel muttered, "Don't go."


"Please. I don't know what I'd do without you."

"I have my horcruxes to protect me, Ri. I'll be fine, I promise. I'll come back. I'll come back for you."

"Tom, don't go where I can't follow.." Rigel tried again, eyes welling up with tears.

Tom took his boyfriend's hand, kissing the back of it softly. "Don't follow. Not now. Not tonight."

"Tom, I'm begging you not to go—"

"I have to, love." said Tom in a final tone. He backed away a few steps, but Rigel grabbed his arm and pointed to his lightning bolt scar.

Tom's lips curved into a soft smile, knowing what his boyfriend meant. He walked over to him again and pushed his hair back, softly kissing the lightning bolt scar.

Rigel sighed when he walked out of the door and apparated away.

The past month had been perfect for the two. Much more perfect than the other 3 months they had spent since being together.

Either it was because Rigel could finally feel happiness and loved, he didn't know, but he wasn't going to let that be taken away from him.


"Cierra?" whispered Rigel as he walked into his little sister's room.

Cierra, who was supposed to be sleeping, sat up on her bed and looked at her brother. She immediately smiled, but it went away as soon as she noticed his worried look. "Bubba?"

Rigel walked over to his sister and immediately pulled her into a hug. "I love you so much, alright?"

"Me too!" She excitedly exclaimed, not knowing what was actually happening.

He smiled, pulling away and sitting next to her on her bed. "Make me proud by being kind, alright? Never let anything get to you. Got it?"

"Kind?" She confusedly replied.

"Kind." He nodded, kissing her forehead. "You're strong, Cierra. Don't let anyone make you think that you're not. Be kind. Spread kindness. Everyone needs it, no matter who they are."

Cierra listened closely to every word he was saying. She frowned when he stood up and walked away. "Stay, bubba!"

"I'll come back soon, darling."

But he never did.

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