*alternative chapter 2*

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{10 years later}

IT was safe to say that alot had happened the past 10 years.

One of the biggest changes was— Rigel and Tom got married a year after Rigel's almost-death.

Tom was the one who proposed. He proposed after asking Sirius and Remus if it was alright, of course.

Another big change was they decided to blood-adopt a son. (Yes, shocking, if you considered how Rigel used to hate children, but they wanted a family.)

Right now, the Gaunt family were at Platform 9¾.

"Kill them." said Tom when their son asked what he should do if he got bullied.

Rigel gave him a deadpanned look. "We're not having this conversation again, Thomas."

"Our son should know that he should stand up for himself if he gets bullied, my love." Tom tried reasoning, making their son's lips twitch upwards.

"Yes, but not by killing them." His husband rolled his eyes and looked at their son.

Orion Rigel Gaunt laughed at his father's offended face. "It's alright, father. I can deal with standing up to them the normal way."

"See? That's how we were supposed to raise our son."

Tom rolled his eyes fondly at his husband's words and whispered to their son, "You're killing them, aren't you?"

"Totally." grinned Orion, high-fiving his grinning father.

Orion looked the exact same as his parents. He had Rigel's curly black hair and Tom's facial features and height. His eyes, however, were blue— the only thing that wasn't changed by the blood-adoption that happened a decade ago.

Rigel sighed, rubbing his temples. He looked up when his sister joined them, who had sunflowers in her hair.

"Those are going to fall out, Ci." said Orion.

Cierra smiled softly. "Atleast they were there for a while before they fall out."

"Gosh, why do you have to be so kind?"

She didn't reply, pointing to somebody behind them. "There's Scorpius."

"Not the Malfoys." grumbled Tom bitterly.

"You make it sound like I'm talking to a toddler, but: behave, darling." warned his husband as the Malfoys walked over to them.

"My lord." bowed Draco, then started talking to his cousin.

The dark lord rolled his eyes and went back to his son, who was watching everything with a fond smile.

"Are you sure you want to go? You know it's not too late to change your mind, right?" Tom asked, worrying for his son.

"I know. But it's time for my adventure. You both had yours." His son pointed out, glancing at his other father.

Tom smiled and nodded, knowing he was right. "Write to us."

The train's whistle blew, signaling the students to get on the train.

Orion gave both his parents a hug and rushed onto the train with his cousin, Scorpius.

Rigel crossed his arms and laid his head on his husband's shoulder, who put an arm around his waist. "Love?"

"Yes, dear?"

"Thank you for showing me that I had nothing to be afraid of."


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