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RIGEL LOOKED UP FROM THE BOOK HE WAS READING WHEN HIS BEDROOM DOOR OPENED, SMILING IMMEDIATELY WHEN HE SAW WHO IT WAS. Tom walked in and immediately flopped himself next to Rigel on his bed, hiding his face in the crook of his boyfriend's neck.

Rigel started running his hands through his boyfriend's hair. "Long day?"

"Horrible raid." murmured Tom, not lifting his head up.

"Take a nap, love. I'll be here."

Tom nodded, already starting to fall asleep. He couldn't stop his smile when Rigel kissed his head softly and went back to reading, still playing with his hair.


A few minutes later, Rigel looked at his boyfriend, who was asleep on his chest, and smiled.

He was finally starting to feel better. Not feeling worthless or hopeless anymore was a huge change, which he loved.

Whether it was because of Tom or not, Rigel didn't know, but he really was starting to get better.

However.. it scared him.

He was scared that it was not permanent— that it would go away.

He sighed and went back to reading, running his fingers through his sleeping boyfriend's hair.


A few hours later, Tom woke up.

His heart started beating faster when he realized that Rigel was still there, reading, and he was in his arms.

It seemed like the younger boy didn't realize he was awake, so Tom just kept laying on his chest, enjoying the moment.

The door opened, which made Rigel look up from his book. "Remus?" He confusedly asked.

Remus walked in, stopping at the sight of Tom in his arms. "Rigel, what did I warn you about?" He sternly asked.

His son rolled his eyes, arms tightening around Tom's neck protectively. "Remus just because you had sex when you were my age, doesn't mean I will."

Remus choked on his own spit, while Tom's lips quirked upwards amusedly, not that the two noticed since he still had his eyes closed— pretending like he was still asleep.

When Remus finally calmed down, he sighed. "Ri, I didn't—" He stopped when Rigel gave him a knowing look. "Fine. But it was because I love Sirius. You should only do it when you love someone and when you're extremely sure... it's best to do it after marriage, of course."

"You guys did it when you were 15."

"Sirius told you this?"

"No, I just guessed." shrugged Rigel with a grin, starting to play with Tom's hair again. "And anyway.. I love him."

Tom's breath hitched immediately, while Remus' eyes widened. "You're in love?"

Not bothering to stop the smile growing on his face, Rigel nodded. "Yes."

"Rigel, that's.." Remus stopped with a faraway look in his eyes. "..that's wonderful."

His son stopped running his hands through Tom's hair, also looking deep in thought as he realized the same thing Remus did. "Rem.."

"Rigel," Remus sat down at the edge of his bed, not once glancing at Tom. "do you think—?"

"I don't know."

Tom frowned in confusion. What were they talking about?

"Should we go to find out?"

"Maybe.." said Rigel, shaking his head as he thought of something. "but let's not tell Sirius and Tom. I don't want to get their hopes up."

Remus smiled softly, trying not to show the joy he felt. "We'll go next week, alright?"

Rigel nodded, watching as the man walked out of the room. He was about to go back to reading his book when Tom suddenly asked, "Go where?"

"How long have you been awake?"

Tom almost frowned at the panic in his voice, but held it in. "Just a few seconds."

Relaxing immediately, Rigel nodded.

"So, going where?" repeated Tom expectingly.

"Nevermind that. Are you feeling better?"

Tom nodded, but frowned at the fact that his boyfriend wouldn't answer his question for some reason.

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