|A L M O S T|

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TOM LOOKED AT THE BOY, WHO SUDDENLY BECAME QUIET, NEXT TO HIM IN SUSPICION. "Rigel?" He asked, catching his attention. Rigel sighed and asked, "Do you know how it feels like to fall in love?"

Tom tensed. "Um.. yes." He hesitantly replied.

Trying to ignore the way his heart broke, Rigel asked, "What does it feel like?"

"Well..." Tom sighed, not knowing where to start. "You'd do anything to see that person smile, even do stuff that you don't want to. You feel safe around them and you'd protect them from anything, even if that meant sacrificing yourself. Sometimes.. when they make a mistake, you forget about it immediately as soon as you see them smile.. and the worst part is— sometimes they don't love you back. But that's okay. Seeing them with someone else shatters you, but if it makes them happy, that's everything you could ask for."

"I think I'm in love." Rigel whispered almost inaudibly.

Tom felt his heart shattering, but put on a fake smile.

They stayed silent for a few seconds until Tom asked, "Does he make you happy?"

"Yes." said Rigel quietly, looking at the boy next to him, who had his eyes stuck on the stars.

"I'm happy for you." Tom whispered, eyes never leaving the stars. "That's all I've ever asked for."

"..I don't think he feels the same, though."

Tom finally looked back at him, almost getting lost in his green eyes. "And that's okay. Sometimes you need to go through heartbreak so you can find the person who fixes you."

Rigel stayed quiet. Their faces were inches from each other's, and both of them could feel their heart hammering in their chest.

Tom looked at Rigel's lips for a few seconds, debating whether to lean in or not.

He tucked a strand of hair, that had fallen in front of Rigel's eyes, behind his ear and started to lean in.

Their lips were brushing each other's when Rigel pulled away on instinct, snapping Tom out of his daze.

"Gosh— I.." Tom shook his head. "I'm so sorry—"

"It's alright." said Rigel, rushing to the staircase that led him down the rooftop. "I've got to go."

Tom nodded, watching how he left.

He sighed and rubbed his face anxiously. What was he even thinking?!

Rigel had just admitted that he was in love so why did he even bother trying to kiss him?!

Tom's eyes widened slightly, now realizing what just happened.

He almost kissed Rigel.

He cringed, thinking about how awkward things would now be.


The next day, Remus and Sirius shared a look, both of them noticing the way their son and Tom were avoiding each other's eyes.

"You two didn't shag, did you?" asked Sirius.

Remus slapped his husband's head, while Rigel choked on his juice, and Tom's eyes widened comically.

"No!" exclaimed Tom and Rigel simultaneously, both of them blushing.

Sirius still looked suspicious.

Rigel stood up without a word and walked out of the kitchen, leaving them be.

"So, what actually happened with you and my son?" Sirius glared at Tom, who was trying to distract himself by reading the daily prophet.

"I've got no idea what you're talking about."


"—and that-.. Rigel, are you even listening?" asked Remus, stopping in the middle of the spell he was trying to explain to his son, who had asked him for help.

Rigel snapped out of his thoughts and looked away from the fireplace he was staring at. "What?"

Remus frowned in concern. "Is something wrong?"

"No, of course not—" Rigel stopped when Tom walked into the library, grabbed a book, and walked right out. "No. Nothing's wrong." He quietly said, eyes tearing up.

He hated it.

He hated the feeling of being in love.

He hated the fact that there would be heartbreak sooner or later.

He hated it.

But most importantly; he hated the fact that he isn't stopping himself from falling.

.. it was too late though, and he knew that.

He was in love with Tom Riddle, and that scared him to no end.

"—Rigel?" Remus worriedly asked, snapping him out of his thoughts.


"Careful. You look like you're about to fall in love." teased Remus, standing up and walking over to where his son was sitting at to sit next to him.

Rigel froze.

Remus, noticing this, looked confused. Then, his eyes widened. "Ri, did something happen between you two?"

Rigel shook his head.

Remus nodded. "Do you want to talk about it?"

Rigel shook his head again, making Remus sigh but nod understandingly.

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