|a t t e m p t|

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TW: mentions of suicide, self-harm, and death.


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MAYBE THE OTHERS BELIEVED THAT EVERYTHING WAS SLOWLY STARTING TO GET BETTER, BUT IT WASN'T. Well— Atleast that's what Rigel believed. He believed that it wasn't getting better. That he didn't deserve them— Any of them. That his depression was going to be the end of him.

And maybe it would've been if Tom didn't have an extremely huge gut feeling to check up of Rigel.

Tom had never thought that one day— his heart would break. But it had. It broke, it mended, it broke again, and it mended again.

But now.. he didn't believe that it would ever be mended again.

What happened was Tom suddenly felt like he needed to check up on Rigel, and so that was what he did.

Never had he thought that this would happen.

Never had he thought that Rigel would actually attempt to do it.

Of course, they all knew he sometimes felt.. suicidal.. but they all tried to help. Even if they couldn't do much, they tried to let Rigel know that they were here for him: Sirius especially.

And so here they were— in a muggle hospital with Rigel unconscious on the hospital bed, his family around him.

Remus and Sirius didn't look away from Rigel's pale face.

Tom was the most quiet one.

Cierra, however, wasn't with them. She was at home with the house-elves, since they believed that this would be traumatizing for her.

And rightfully so— Rigel's wrists were all bandaged up, but the blood wasn't stopping. It was starting to leak out of the bandages.

Tom couldn't look away from it.

The thought that he wasn't there for Rigel at the time he needed it most, broke him.

"How'd you find him, Tom?" asked Remus quietly, breaking the silence.

All he knew was Tom apparating Rigel to the nearest muggle hospital he knew, then he had informed Remus and Sirius what happened, not once talking after that.

Tom shrugged. "I felt like I needed to check up on him, so that's what I did. I found him unconscious by his bathroom door... blood all around him."

Sirius and Remus both noticed how his voice had cracked many times as he talked. They even noticed the tears he was holding in.

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