|D E M E N T O R S A T Q U I D D I T C H|

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THE SLYTHERIN TEAM ALL FROWNED AT THE HEAVY RAIN. It was now their Slytherin VS Hufflepuff match, and it seemed like the weather was.. extremely bad.

"It'll be alright." Flint said.

"—and here comes the Slytherin team!" announced Lee Jordan, not that anyone could hear though, due to the heavy rain.


Cedric Diggory and Rigel Black flew quickly to get the snitch, both of their hands inches away from the snitch itself.

They were about 50 feet up, much to the disapproval of Remus and Sirius, both of them knowing that there was a high chance there were dementors there.

And they were right. About 5 dementors flew over to Rigel, but he tried ignoring them in a desperate attempt to catch the snitch.

He wasn't so lucky, though..


"-Avada Kedavra!-"

Everyone in the stands stood up as they watched a figure falling to the ground. "Aresto Momentum!" Sirius, Remus, and Tom cast at the same time.


"Think he's alright?" A voice said.

"He fell over 50 feet. What do you think?" Another voice said.

"Yeah, Pucey. We'll throw you off of the Astronomy tower, see how you'll look like." Another voice joined in, earning a few chuckles from the other.

"Probably a better sight than he normally does." Rigel replied groggily, catching everyone's attention.

"Oh thank merlin you're alright, Ri." Blaise said.

"What happened?"

Draco winced, "Well you fell over 50 feet—"

"No, I mean who won?" Rigel cut him off, earning a few shocked looks.

"That's what you ask?" Blaise slapped his head, earning a groan from the boy.

"Hufflepuff did." Remus said, walking over with Sirius.

"And where's Flint?"

"In the showers." Adrian Pucey replied.

"We think he's trying to drown himself." Warrington said, earning another round of chuckles.

"And.. where's my broom?" Rigel eventually asked.

Sirius stepped up, "It flew itself to the forbidden forest, but we searched and there was no sign of it."

Rigel's face fell, but he nodded regardless, planning to sneak out of the hospital wing soon and search for it.


That night, Rigel was alone in the hospital wing, reading a book.

The hospital wing's doors opened, catching his attention.

Rigel looked confused. "What are you doing here?"

Thomas Gaunt shrugged and sat down on a chair near his bed, "Came to ask if you're alright."

The 13-year old looked even more confused. "Why do you always ask if I'm alright whenever something happens to me? I thought you couldn't care less."

Tom pursed his lips, also looking confused. "I actually don't know." He admitted, making Rigel roll his eyes.

"Well I was fine before you came here. You may leave now."

"And why do you hate it whenever somebody starts showing a little bit of care towards you?" Tom shot back, looking slightly angry and hurt.

"Trust me, Riddle." Rigel shook his head. "Anyone who cares for me will get hurt. I lack emotions. I don't care what happens to somebody if it means that I protect myself."

"Good." Tom nodded. "Because I'm exactly like that as well. But you know what? I still have the heart to care, and so should you."

"Get out." Rigel glared. "Now."

Tom nodded and stood up. "Don't get mad whenever someone talks to you about emotions, Rigel. I'm just trying to help—"

"I don't need your help! How many times do I have to repeat that, Tom?!"

Tom looked at him in shock at the sound of his first name falling out of his lips, but Rigel hadn't realized that. He smiled softly, "Of course. My apologies, Rigel." He said and walked out of the hospital wing, the smile never leaving his face.

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