|T H E C A B I N E T|

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WHEN RIGEL WAS FINALLY LET OUT OF THE HOSPITAL WING A FEW DAYS LATER, THE FIRST THING HE DID WAS SET OFF FOR THE ROOM OF REQUIREMENTS. He had promised Draco that he would help him with the cabinet when he first noticed Draco's pale face one morning, which made him, shockingly, feel bad for his cousin.

When the door showed itself, Rigel walked in, looking around the room that was filled with random stuff.

"Over here, Ri." said a voice just a few steps away from him.

Rigel walked over to his cousin, who was standing in front of something that was covered.

Draco pulled off the cloth, pointing to the broken cabinet. "This is it.."

"Did you get started on it?" asked Rigel, running his fingers over the cabinet in fascination.

"Just a few stuff here and there."

Rigel nodded and pointed his wand at it. "Harmonia Nectere Passus." He mumbled, frowning when it didn't work.

"This is going to take the whole year, isn't it?"

"..I believe so, Draco." Rigel nodded, making his cousin sigh.


"Harmonia Nectere Passus." mumbled Rigel.

It was now almost 4AM, and Rigel was still awake, something he was now used to. Draco, however, was asleep on a couch near the cabinet.

They both had been working on the said cabinet all day and night, not even leaving for food or anything else.

"Harmonia Nectere Passus. Harmonia Nectere Passus." Rigel whispered, frowning when nothing happened.

He looked at his wand in suspicion, then back at the cabinet. What was wrong?

Putting his wand away, Rigel looked at the cabinet and started to walk around it, repairing a few creaks and other things he had noticed here and there.

He tensed when he felt something.. dark.

Rigel looked upwards, feeling something pull him in. He noticed a box on top of the cabinet, making him frown in confusion.

How hadn't he noticed that before?

Ignoring that question, he snatched the box off of the cabinet and blew the dust off, then opening it.

It was a diadem.

Not just any diadem, though.

It was the lost diadem of Ravenclaw.

Rigel knew this, because he had read about it. Also, etched upon its surface was Ravenclaw's famous quote: "Wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure.", successfully giving him the confirmation that he was right.

As soon as he touched it, he felt a spark going through his fingers, making him pull away and his eyes widen.

It was a horcrux.

More specifically, it was Tom's horcrux.

Rigel touched it again, pulling away again when another spark went through his fingers.

Yep. Definitely Tom's.

Planning to give it to him later, Rigel put it in his bag that he had brought a few hours ago, which was because he had decided to do some extra work.

He didn't.

He sighed, closed his bag which had the diadem in it now, and walked over to the cabinet again.

"Rigel?" a voice said, making him turn around.

Draco rubbed his eyes, then glared at his cousin. "You're supposed to be sleeping—"

"I couldn't fall asleep, so I decided to try to fix the cabinet."

"Leave it to me tonight, Ri." Draco stood up. "It is my mission after all.."

"Draco, I gave you my word."

Draco sighed, knowing he couldn't win. "I know, but you should get some rest.. Rigel, the bags under your eyes point out the fact that you haven't slept in weeks."

"Jeez, thanks, Draco." Rigel rolled his eyes, making Draco's lips quirk upwards for a second. "Night."

"G'night.. and Ri?"

Rigel turned around, looking at his cousin questioningly.

"Thank you."

"Anytime, Draco."

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