|F E A R C O M E T R U E|

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RIGEL RUSHED OUT OF DUMBLEDORE'S OFFICE AND RUSHED TO THE LIBRARY. Not even bothering to greet the librarian, he walked over to the many books on love potions. Pulling one out, he sat down and started to read it.

Rigel didn't know how long he just sat there reading it, but he knew it was a while when he finally found what he was looking for,

"Love potions are potions which caused the drinker to become infatuated or obsessed with the person who gave it to them. They are considered to be powerful and highly dangerous.
Amortentia is the most powerful love potion in existence.
Powerful infatuations can be induced by the skilful potioneer, but never yet has anyone managed to create the truly unbreakable, eternal, unconditional attachment that alone can be called love—"

Rigel skipped the pages and finally found the one he was looking for,

"If somebody was born under the effects of a love potion, it would be highly unlikely for them to feel love.
It is believed that they cannot even feel a single thing other than anger and disgust—"

Rigel shut the book harshly, glaring at the table, trying to ignore his shattered heart.

Honestly, he didn't even know why it mattered to him if Tom could love or not.

It wasn't like he—

Rigel's eyes widened.

Feeling like he couldn't breathe, Rigel stood up and put the book away, walking out of the library as fast as he could.

As soon as he was alone in an empty corridor, he desperately tried to calm down.

But it wasn't that easy, because Rigel's worst fear had come true:
He was in love.


The next day, Rigel woke up at 11AM, surprisingly.

Not bothering to go to classes, since he had already missed half of it, he took a shower.

When he was done, he got changed into a pair of jeans, a plain black shirt, and sneakers.

As he was tying his shoelaces, a hooting of an owl made him turn around.

Rigel frowned in confusion.

Standing up, he walked over to the black owl.

How had the owl even come into the dungeons?

Not paying much thought into it, he took the letter off of it and gave her an owl treat, then looked at the letter.

As soon as he saw the handwriting, he put it back on the table, not opening it, earning an angry hoot from the owl.

Rigel glared at it. "I'm not responding to his letter. Take it back."

The owl glared back, much to Rigel's amusement. She hooted again, making Rigel roll his eyes.

"Take. It. Back."

Earning yet another hoot from the owl, the Black heir rolled his eyes and grabbed the letter, giving it back to the owl with a sarcastic smile. "Take it back to him or I shall end your life."

The owl immediately flew out of his dorm and into the common room, probably to get out of the school, much to many Slytherins' amusements.

Rigel sighed and sat on his bed, rubbing his face anxiously.

How had he let himself fall?

He did everything in his power to stop that. So, where had he gone wrong?

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