|S U M M E R A N D B I R T H D A Y|

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RIGEL'S SECOND YEAR PASSED BY VERY QUICKLY WITH NO PROBLEMS. It was a normal and simple year. Right now, it was Rigel's birthday.

He stretched when he woke up, and stood up, going to the bathroom for a shower.


A few minutes later, he was finally done and got changed in a black sweater, not caring about the weather, black jeans, and black sneakers.

He took one glance at his messy curly hair in the mirror and walked out of the room, too lazy to smoothen it out.

As soon as he walked into the kitchen, he was lifted off of the floor by Sirius, making Remus and Tom snigger. "Siri—!"

"Happy birthday, Ri!"

"Put me down."

"You're a teenager now!"


Sirius pouted, but did as his son said. "Thank you." Rigel said.


Sirius looked at Rigel for a few seconds, unblinking.

Rigel watched as Remus stepped out of the living room to get something, while Tom was busy reading a book. He looked at Sirius, only now noticing the stare. "What's wrong?"

"Follow me, Ri." Sirius mumbled, motioning for him to do so.

A few staircases and rooms later, they finally reached a door that looked like it hadn't been opened for years.

"Just before we get in there.. I haven't stepped into this room since we moved in this manor, which means.. 12 years."

Rigel nodded, looking slightly confused. Sirius took a deep breath and opened the door.

Rigel walked inside, Sirius not too far behind him. He looked around, his eyes stopping on a portrait of a man, who looked exactly like him, but older.

The man's eyes widened. He took an unconscious step back at the boy in front of him, his eyes then finding his brother's. The brothers haven't talked for years..

"Do I have a son?" Regulus Black asked in confusion and shock.

Sirius' mouth quirked upwards, "Hello to you too, Reg. No.. He's my son."

Rigel opened and closed his mouth a few times, slightly shocked by being called Sirius' son, but it warmed his heart. He cleared his throat, catching the portrait's attention, "I'm Rigel Regulus Black, nice to meet you."

Regulus' eyes widened again, "You named your son after.. me?" He asked in shock.

Sirius nodded, "He's more like you than he is like me. It's amusing to say the least, given the fact that I'm the one who is his father."

Regulus, for the first time in years, smiled. He made eye contact with his.. nephew, "I'm Regulus Arcturus Black, nice to meet you too."


Rigel groaned as a black dog rushed into the living room where he was sitting, reading a book, while Tom was watching in amusement as he stepped in behind the dog.

"Presents!" Sirius exclaimed excitedly, transforming back from his animagus form.

Rigel finally let himself smile for the first time in months, possibly years.. Tom did a double-take at this, the sight of Rigel with a smile making him unconsciously smile as well.

Sirius sat down and watched as his son opened his presents. Remus walked in at that moment and sat next to his husband, holding his hand as they both watched their now-teenage son open his presents.

"He's grown quickly, hasn't he?" Remus whispered to his husband.

Sirius nodded, his eyes never leaving his son. "Yeah. James and Lily would've been proud of him."

"That's the only thing he's after, Padfoot." Remus pointed out, "The only thing he wants is Lily and James being proud of him."

Sirius nodded again, showing the fact that he agreed. "It's obvious, even though he's trying to hide it."


Rigel raised an eyebrow that night when Tom walked over to him holding a box. "What's this?"

"I believe you are familiar with the term 'present', are you not?"

The 13-year old rolled his eyes at his sarcasm, "Why would you get me a present, Riddle?"

"Accept the bloody present." Tom rolled his eyes and threw the box, smirking slightly when Rigel caught it when it was just inches away from his face.

"Fine." Rigel mumbled, opening the present in boredom. He sat up straighter and frowned slightly as he pulled out the present.

It was a necklace. Not just any necklace, though. It was an ancient necklace with ancient magic, which was done by one of the first sorcerers.

"Where-.. Where did you get this? How..?" Rigel asked, eyes never leaving the necklace.

"So you actually know what it is. Good, I don't have to explain." Tom said, "It was in the Gaunt vault. It used to be Salazar's, I'm guessing, judging by the green stone in the middle."

"But.. why are you giving this to me when you can have it?"

"Do you not know ancient magic, Rigel?" Tom asked, looking slightly shocked. He elaborated when he noticed Rigel's look, "That necklace is filled with one of the most complicated spells and enchantments, which are now almost extinct. It gives the wearer whatever they need at the most important times. For example, if a murderer charges at you with a weapon, and your magic is too weak so you can't do wandless magic, and you forget your wand— a dagger appears in your hand."

Rigel scoffed, "And you think a murderer will be out to get me?"

"I have a feeling that you'll need it more than I do." Tom admitted and shrugged, not thinking too much of his feeling, "That's why it's better for you to have it than I, also because of.. obvious reasons."

The Black heir rolled his eyes at his ego, but nodded, letting himself smile. ".. Thank you, Riddle."

"Wow." Tom feigned surprise, "You do know how to thank people!"

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