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—"THIS IS RIDICULOUS." MUMBLED RIGEL TO HIMSELF AS HE OPENED THE MAP WHEN HE WAS READY. "I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good." He mumbled, watching as the map showed itself.
It seemed like the corridors were empty, apart from a few that were being patrolled by prefects and teachers.
There were also a few being guarded by aurors, which Dumbledore had insisted on having for the year.
Rigel sighed. This would be harder than he thought.
As soon as Rigel finally walked out of the secret passage, he muttered, "Mischief Managed." and put the map in his jean pocket.
The sound of footsteps made him turn around and point his wand at the person.
Thomas Gaunt raised his hands in mock surrender with a small smile.
Rigel immediately put his wand away. "I told you not to sneak up on me, didn't I?"
"You did." Tom nodded and walked over to him. "However, I just don't care."
"You should or else you're going to be hit with cutting spells all over you one day."
Tom let out a soft laugh.
Rigel frowned when his heart skipped a beat, but didn't say anything, not knowing what the big deal was.
"Why'd you want me to come here, anyways?" asked Rigel as they started walking around the village.
"You couldn't sleep and nor could I." Tom lied easily, giving him a side-glance. "I would've came to the school, but Dumbledore put up wards that lock me out."
"How sad." murmured Rigel.
"Indeed." Tom nodded, lips quirking upwards when Rigel looked at the stars in awe. "Wanna sit down?"
The 16-year-old merely nodded.
If you were an outsider and saw two men laying down nearby a forest that was behind Hogsmeade village, your first thought would probably be to look away.
However, if you didn't listen to that thought and decided to watch, you'd notice that it was actually Lord Voldemort and the famous Rigel Black.
"—I could've sworn it wasn't that constellation."
"Or maybe you're just bad at Astronomy." Rigel shot back with a small smile.
"I've heard you talk about stars and constellations enough to know a few, Ri." Tom pointed out, trying to keep his own smile in.
"Yet you still got them wrong. That's not Sirius." Rigel pointed to the sky and then pointed to the other side, "That is."
"Huh.." mused Tom with the faintest hint of a smile. "Maybe I was wrong.."
Rigel's lips quirked upwards. "You were."
"Atleast I made you smile." Tom knowingly smirked, sitting up to look at the boy, who was still laying down on the ground.
"No, you didn't." denied Rigel immediately, not noticing the look in Tom's eyes.
Tom smiled softly. "Yeah, I did."
"Keep believing what you want."
"That was a fun date. We should do it again some time." Tom smirked as Rigel was about to walk back to school.
"It wasn't a date!" Rigel glared with the faintest blush across his cheeks.
"We stargazed for about 3 hours then watched the sunrise. I'm pretty sure it was a date." Tom pointed out, his smirk growing wider when Rigel started spluttering.
"Whatever." mumbled Rigel, still glaring at the older boy, who gave him a teasing smirk just before apparating away.
As soon as Tom was gone, Rigel let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.
Why did the thought of going on a date with Tom made his heart beat way faster than it should?
How did Tom make him smile?
And most importantly: Why did he enjoy the time he just spent with him?