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—THE BLACKS, MALFOYS, ZABINIS, AND THOMAS GAUNT ALL APPARATED TO THE CAMPSITE. "Did we have to get up at 5 bloody A.M?" complained Draco, just like he was doing for the past hour.
"No." Lucius smugly smirked. "But I get pleased when you realize that not everything goes in your way."
Rigel and Blaise shared a look, both of them trying to fight their laughter, while Draco started complaining again.
"Oh, cheer up, Draco!" Blaise slung an arm over his shoulder.
Narcissa and Mrs. Zabini were too busy talking about how beautiful Paris was— Honestly, Rigel didn't even know how that conversation started.
While the Malfoy and Zabini heirs started bickering.. again.. the story was a whole lot different with the Blacks.
"Sirius—!" Remus looked embarassed as a black dog was now running around the campsite, looking for their tent.
"How long till we tell him that our tents are north not east?" Rigel asked, pointing to the dog that was heading east.
Remus smirked. "We'll wait until he figures it out."
"Such cruelty, Remus." Tom mocked, making Remus' smirk grow wider.
"We're here." Lucius announced.
Rigel looked over and saw three fancy tents, making him roll his eyes. He knew how dramatic his family was— but Lucius' was a whole different story.
The guy had peacocks in front of his damn tent!
"That's nothing new." Tom pointed out, grabbing his arm and pulling him into the tent which had a sign saying 'Black Family' in front of it.
"Don't touch me." glared Rigel, pulling his hand harshly.
"Sorry." Tom shrugged, not looking sorry at all.
The Black heir rolled his eyes. He looked around the tent, shaking his head when he realized that it was a smaller version of Black manor.
A dog rushed into the tent, catching their attentions. Sirius Black changed back from his animagus form, glaring at the three. "Why did nobody tell me our tent was North!"
"You didn't listen to me when I told you not to turn into a dog and search the whole campsite." Remus shrugged, not bothering to look remorseful.
Sirius huffed, noticing this.
"Seats a hundred thousand." mused Sirius, explaining when he saw the look of confusion and slight awe on Rigel's face. "The Ministry has been working on this event all year. Muggle repelling charms on every inch of it."
"Prime seats!" said the Ministry witch at the entrance when she checked their tickets. "Top box! Straight upstairs, Lord Black, and as high as you can go."