|N E A R D E A T H E X P E R I E N C E|

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THAT NIGHT, RIGEL COULDN'T FALL ASLEEP. His nightmares wouldn't go away, and Tom's words slightly struck his heart. He sighed and stood up, glad that the hospital wing was empty and that Madam Pomfrey wasn't there.

He opened the door and walked outside, looking around the seemingly-empty corridor.


A few minutes later, Rigel somehow ended up in the forbidden forest without realizing due to walking where his feet took him and not looking up from the ground. "Shit." He cursed, looking at the many dementors.

He checked his pockets, eyes widening when he realized that he forgot his wand. He immediately clutched the necklace, which he never took off, in his hands.

"Regulus?" A voice asked in shock, making him turn around.

".. Pettigrew." Rigel's eyes widened, along with Peter's when he noticed his eye color.

Peter Pettigrew smirked and pulled out his wand. "My Lord might finally forgive me if I took you to him, Harry—"

"That's how you repay your bestfriend's sacrifice?" Rigel cut him off. As cowardly as the man was, he did murder 12 muggles by one spell.

"James is dead—"

"Because of you!"

Pettigrew rushed over to him and pushed him on the ground. "This is where it's over, Harry Potter-! My Lord will finally return!"

Rigel's eyes widened slightly, his heart hammering in his chest. He tried pushing the man off, but he was somehow far too strong. "I'm warning you, Pettigrew.. You'll regret this."

Peter looked confused, his wand never leaving Rigel's neck, who was breathing heavily.

"No, I won't! The dark lord shall finally give me the protection I need—!" He stopped, eyes widening in shock.

Rigel watched as Pettigrew fell to the ground, a stab wound by his kidney. He took the dagger, that had appeared in his hands, out of Pettigrew's side so that he could die quicker.

"I told you, Wormtail." Rigel said, looking at the man in anger and a bit of hurt. How could someone betray their closest friend?..

Peter desperately looked at him, "Harry—! Your father wouldn't want this! Your father wouldn't want me to die!"

"Actually," Rigel put the dagger to his neck. "Sirius has been searching for you to do exactly that."

He stood up, feeling nothing when Pettigrew took his last breath and was now dead.

"Thank you, Riddle." Rigel mumbled, watching as the dagger disappeared from his hands.

He clutched his necklace tight in his hands and walked back into the castle, never once looking back.


The next day, Rigel looked up from his book when someone walked into the hospital wing.

"What is this?" Sirius threw the daily prophet in his hands.

Rigel put his book away and started reading the daily prophet,

You all read that right, dear readers. Peter Pettigrew, first ever to escape azkaban, was found murdered with a stab wound last night in the forbidden forest. It looked like someone else was with him due to the footsteps on the ground. However, sources say that it was in self-defense, so nothing bad will happen.
—Read more on page 12,
-Rita Skeeter.'

Rigel shrugged and threw the daily prophet away. "He's murdered. That's what it is."

"Ri— he took you?"

"No." Rigel shook his head. "Although, I might have had something to do with his.. death."

Sirius sighed and rubbed his face anxiously, worriedly looking at his son. "How are you feeling?"

"Never been better." Rigel smiled.

".. Not only have you got Lily's eyes, but you've also got her smile." Sirius mused sadly and pulled his son to his chest. "They would've been proud of you, Ri. I know they would."

"You think so?" Rigel whispered, hugging back.

"Of course." Sirius immediately said. "Remus would've came to check up on you, but it's the full moon tonight."

"It's alright."

The door opened, catching their attentions. Sirius smirked slightly and stood up, "I've got to go. I'll be back later, Ri." He said and walked out of the hospital wing.

Thomas Gaunt looked at Rigel, worry evident in his eyes. "I know I shouldn't ask this, because you don't want me to, but—" he cleared his throat, sitting down. "—how are you feeling?"

"Fine for someone who just murdered." Rigel scratched his neck sheepishly, earning a chuckle from the boy.

They stayed in comfortable silence for a few seconds. ".. I know I don't say this much.." Rigel said, avoiding his eyes. "..but.. thank you."

Tom blinked in shock. "For what?"

Rigel looked back at him. "You saved me." He unconsciously clutched the necklace that was around his neck tightly.

Tom, who followed this movement, shook his head. "It was all you, Rigel. You saved yourself. I did nothing other than give you a slight push."

"Oh, I'm feeding your ego, Riddle. Just accept the thanks."

Tom's lips quirked upwards. "It was my pleasure, Rigel."

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