Part 28

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Y/n: where am I?

Everything went black. I hear people mumbling in the background I can't really hear them. "Corpse?" I weakly yelled. I see this bright light over me. Am I dead? Is this heaven? I didn't know what to think. I slowly close my eyes. Am I dead? I don't feel anything. No pain. No remorse. Nothing.

Doctor: We're losing her!

Corpse: it's ok I'm right here, I'm right here!

Doctor 2: sir no one is allowed past this point, I'm going to need you to wait in the waiting room.

Corpse: what no I'm not leaving her!

Doctor: we can't help her if you don't wait in the waiting room.

Corpse: I-I can't

Doctor: I'm sorry please wait ,once we're finished I'll let you know.

Corpse: o-ok

Corpse POV:

This is all my fault. I'm the one who told her to go to the police station. If I didn't tell her to go she would have still been here with me. I've must of waiting in that waiting room for hours. I called her dad and brother and told them what happened.

Dad: corpse?

Corpse: hi Robert.

Dad: hey is she out of surgery yet?

Corpse: no.

Jordan (y/n's brother): how long has she been in there.

Corpse: 2 hours I've checked with the doctor like every 10 minutes.

Dad: ok I guess we have to let the doctor do there job.

An hour later....

Doctor: sir.

Corpse: hi doc is she out of surgery.

Doctor: yes she's very lucky and we manage to remove the bullet.

Dad: ok that's good can we see her?

Doctor: yes but she not breathing on her own. She using the machine to help her.

Jordan: uh o-ok what room number is she in.

Doctor: room 608 but please remember don't talk about how sad you are or hurt. A lot of patients say they can hear even though it doesn't look like it. So positive thoughts.

Corpse: ok thank you doc.

We walk to the room and I see her. She looks so fragile. I see her chest barley move.

Corpse: you guys should go in first I need a minute.

Dad: are you sure?

Corpse: yeah go ahead.

I walk to the bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror. Her blood still on my shirt. I can't help but cry. I'm grateful she's alive but I'm scared. I haven't been this scared in years. Just the thought of her dying.....I couldn't even keep my promise to her. I told her that I'll keep her safe and I didn't I did the exact opposite. I wipe my face and walk to her room. There is she. All the bruises on her they've must of  hit her! I need to calm down the doctor said to say positive things she might hear me. I close the door and sit on a chair and place it next to her.

Corpse: h-hey babe uh the doctors said to talk positive with you, but how can I? I hate seeing you like this, but I know you'll come back to me. Your one of the strongest people I know and I know you'll fight this. Ha look at me crying. I haven't cried like this since my mom. This is all my fault babe I'm the one who told you to go to the police station if I never did we could've been at my house watching that weird vampire show you like......anyway just know that I fucking love you to the moon and back...I love you y/n so much it hurts...please come back to me..

Y/n: mmm....... corpse?

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