Chapter 3

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Vanica: "W-what?!?" She said in a shocked tone. Despite all the years you two have been together, you never once called her 'cute'. You did give her compliments from time to time, but you never called her "cute"

Y/n: "Oh shit I-I d-didn't mean" You didn't know what to say, you were too shocked to formulate a proper sentence.

Vanica: "Oh? I haven't seen you like this in a looong~ time" She says as she walks up to and hugs you in a suggestive way.

Y/n: 'Shit. I can't let her win me over! But she is kind of cute th- NO. DAMMIT STOP THINKING LIKE THAT! SHE'LL THINK YOUR A CREEP IF YOU DO THAT. FUCK!' You scream in your mind, debating to yourself whether or not to just come out and say you like her or to wait until a later time.

Vanica: 'He's flustered! He's flustered!!  Does this mean that he likes me?!?? No, I can't just assume he likes me just be he called me 'cute'. Wait, now that I think about it when was the last time he's called me cute?? Dammit, I don't remember! I think I should just wait until the proper moment, then I'll confess, Just take this slow, and be patient Vanica, BE. PATIENT.' She also debated from within her mind, thinking of whether or not to confess or wait until a later date.

As you and Vanica stand in awkward silence, You finally decide to toughen up and break the silence.

Y/n: "Well, um, I think I'm gonna go to my room." You say trying to break the silence and get out of the awkward situation your in.

Vanica: "Y-Yeah I'm gonna go to." She says quickly letting you go and dashing off to her room, blushing like a tomato.

Y/n: "Oh thank God that's over." You say breathing a sigh of relief.

-Cut back to Class 1-a and the big 3 doing intense training 3 days later-

Izuku: 'Damn. I can only go up to 11% of One for All. That won't even be close to good enough to fight those two. The sheer amount of strength those 2 showed during the war was unbelievable! Are they even human?' Thought the greenette to himself. Believing that even why training, is unable to hold a candle to the Dynamic Duo.

Bakugo: 'Dammit... This isn't good enough... I need to train harder if I wanna be as strong as those two. The way things are right now. I don't stand a chance. DAMMIT!!' The blonde explosive teen thought to himself while training even harder than he was before.

Todoroki: 'Does training even matter? Even we trained to the absolute limit I would be decimated... NO SHOTO! DON'T THINK LIKE THAT. Just train and train and train some more!! You can do this!' Thought the Red and White-haired teenager. Thinking that no matter what he does, he would be defeated in second by the two people that saved Japan.

-Cut to Nezu having a meeting with the teachers-

All might: "Have you found anything on those two yet?" Questioned All Might to Nezu.

Nezu: *Sigh* "Unfortunately, No. The only thing I found on them was their full names, those being L/N, F/N, and Vanica Zogratis. No information on where they came from, their relatives, their quirks, Just their names." Says Nezu disappointed that he couldn't find anything on the two he desperately needed to find.

Aizawa: "Damn. Nothing? How are we supposed to find them if we can't FIND them??" Says The coffee-addicted teacher.

Present Mic: "Maybe we could fake a villain attack and draw them out that way?" Says the loud teacher trying to help find a way to track down their saviors.

Nezu: "We could try that! That could work!" Says The Chimera like principle.

Eraserhead: "And the plan in case they aren't so friendly and try to attack us?" Question Eraserhead.

Nezu: "Simple. If they attack We'll have Mirko, Endeavor, Snipe, Present Mic and hawks Distract them, and while they're distracted we'll have Kamui Woods, Aizawa and Cementoss bind them, and while they're bonded we'll have midnight use her quirk to knock them out. And once they're knocked out we'll use Everything we have to bind them, Anti quirk cuffs, Chains, Anti Quirk Binding, Everything." Replied Nezu to Aizawa.

Aizawa: *Sigh* 'I have a bad feeling about this. We have no clue what they could do. The only thing we have on them is the footage from the war, and even then they only used their PHYSICAL power.' Thought Aizawa, having a bad feeling about the day they find the 2 saviors.

Little did he know...

How right he was.

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