Chapter 20

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-Timeskip 20 rounds of fun later.-

Yeah, you and vanica were pent up that day, In more ways than one. And after spending an entire year of straight training with Momoshiki, Yeah, they were pent up.

Also, before they went at it, Megicula Made her sterile. So they don't have to deal with any mini yous running around anytime soon.

-Timeskip 2 hours.-

After you and Vanicas fun, you decide to go on a date, ever since you two confessed to each other, you never really went on an official date before. So you thought it would be a nice change of pace.

Y/n: "Hey Vanica, Wanna go out on a date? We never really want out on an official date before, so I figured that I'd ask." You asked Vanica

Vanica: "Yeah! Now that I think about it we never went on an actual date before, so I'm down for it!" Vanica said with starry eyes.

Y/n: "Well how about we got to [Insert Restaurant Name] at [Insert Time]?" You offered Vanica.

Vanica: "Sure!" She said excitedly.

-Timeskip to the Restaurant.-

You guys went to the location of the date, wearing some Casual clothes. Just at the sight of the guys and girls were drooling at them. Some have even tried flirting with them. And let's just say that they got to taught to, and I quote, "Not touch what belongs to them." Yeah, No one bothered trying to get with them after that.

A few minutes into the date and everything was going swimmingly. But then you brought up something that's been bothering you.

Y/n: "Hey Vanica, How exactly are we gonna deal with the Otsutsuki? They're aliens from a completely different world, so it's not like we can't rock up to them and beat the crap out of them. We don't even know how to get to them." You asked Vanica.

Vanica: "Well, Actually that's a good question... We could just wait for for them to show up but we don't know how long that'll take. So I have no idea." Vanica responded to you confused.

-Cut back to UA.-

We see every student of class 2-a doing some rigorous training, Just because you and Vanica just came back doesn't mean that they can slack off.

Izuku was currently in his mindscape, trying to form the same contract that asta had to make all those years ago. What Izuku didn't expect is that he had to fight Liebe without his right arm, which was tough at first. But in the end, Izuku ended as the victor. And like asta, instead of making a contract that favors him, he makes a contract that's even between them.

Which made Liebe feel even more nostalgic about his time with Asta. Which made him tear up a little.

After Izuku made the contract he was able to go into United form. Which made Izuku all the more powerful. But Liebe warned that Izuku could only use this form Once a day for 10 Minutes, which Izuku heeded his warning and decided to use only when it's necessary.

Bakugo has been working on expanding his sweat glands even more so he could make even bigger explosions. The bigger the better is what he thinks.

Momo has been researching more items to make because you could never have too many.

Todoroki had been working on using both of his sides in perfect conjunction since he still can't use both perfectly yet.

Everyone else has been either trying to get rid of their weaknesses completely or are strengthening their quirks even more.

Everything was going fine until 2 figures with pale skin show up.

Izuku, due to his KI sensing that Liebe taught him, is the first to notice

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Izuku, due to his KI sensing that Liebe taught him, is the first to notice. He then stops training to look at them.

Izuku: "HEY! Who the hell are you guys?!" Izuku then activates his basic demon form and brings out his demon slayer sword, he then flies up at them, only to notice that he was wrapped up in bright red chains.

???: "Know your place, brat. We're for 2 people named "Vanica" and "y/n", tell us where they are and yiu get to live." The figure with long blue hair said menacingly.

???: "Yeah green! We'd figure they'd be somewhere around here, and for some reason, we can't feel their chakra, so spill the beans capiche?" The bald woman said in a scarily cheerful voice.

Bakugo: "LIKE HELL WE WOULD TELL YOU YOU FUCKING ASSHOLES!" Bakugo shouts angrily, only to be wrapped in chains by the blue-haired figure.

???: "Quit yelling already dumbass. Your gonna burst my eardrums." The blue-haired figure said in an oddly familiar tone.

???: "Hey, Hey Ayako! Maybe we should threaten them and THEN y/n and vanica will show up!" The bald woman said in an oddly familiar cheerful tone.

Ayako: "Why do you always have to be so happy all the time Valerie, it's annoying." Ayako said to the now named Valerie.

-cut back to y/n and vanica on their date.-

As you and vanica were talking, you two suddenly felt a chill go down your spine.

Y/n: "Vanica, T-Theyre here!" You say while shaking, but not out of fear, out of excitement.

Vanica: "Yeah I know! I c-can feel them too!" Vanica says while also shaking out of excitement.

Then you and vanica pay for your meals and instantly fly to where they were.

-Time skip and hour.-

After an hour of flying towards the 2 Otsutsuki, you land on the site where you felt their presence. Only to see something horrible.

Your friends, beaten and bloody, held up on massive crosses held up by bright red chains.

Ayako: "Finally, the two we were assigned to kill are here." Ayako says in a bored tone.

Valerie: "FINALLY!! UGH, WHAT TOOK THEM SO LONG." Valerie says in a familiar tone of voice.

Y/n & Vanica: "Who the hell are you?!" Yiu and vanica said angrily.

Ayako: "I'm Ayako, Ayako Otsutsuki." Ayako introduced himself in a bored tone.

Valerie: "YO! I'm Valerie, Valerie Otsutsuki!" Valerie said in a cheerful tone.

Valerie & Ayako: "And we are...

The Kings Royal Guards!"

The Monster Duo (Malereader x BNHA) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now