Chapter 2

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???: "Hey Friends, you see, you screwed over my plans, and for that... YOU DIE!!" Said the blue-haired man while lunging at you.

You dodge out of the way and raise your left sleeve, revealing a seal.

You dodge out of the way and raise your left sleeve, revealing a seal

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You quickly undo the seal and take out your sword.

The instant the sword is out you quickly use it to slice the blue-haired man's head off, killing him instantly

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The instant the sword is out you quickly use it to slice the blue-haired man's head off, killing him instantly.

???: "DAMN YOU! HOW DARE YOU YOU LITTLE BRAT!" Shouted the man in a black mask angrily, while charging up an air canon.

Y/n: "Oh? The Vader rip-off is mad??" You said in a mocking tone, while also getting prepared to slice his arm off, but then, you get interrupted.

Vanica: "Oi y/n what the hell is all that noise fo-" Before she finished her sentence, she quickly gets cut off but the sudden blast of air that destroys a part of their house.

Vanica: "WHAT THE HELL MAN! OUR HOUSE!!" She says in a surprised and angry tone.

Y/n: "Dammit Vanica! Quit distracting m-" You try to get out a single sentence, but then you get cut off by a sudden torrent of blue flames, destroying another part of your precious house.

You quickly dodge the flames, then you look at the individual who burnt your house, you then activate

The Moment you activate Amaterasu, The black hair man rolls around on the ground in agony, In a useless attempt to get the mysterious black flames off him, then after a few seconds, he burns to ashes. Dead.

Y/n: "Tch. That's what you get for burning my house, you bastard." You say angrily that part of your house was burnt.

???: "Shit. We need to leave! KUROGIRI, OPEN THE PORTAL!" The Man in the black mask said in a panicked tone.

???: "Awww but I didn't get a chance to get his blood!" The messy-haired blonde said in a childish tone.

Vanica: "Ohhh so it's blood you want eh? Well if you want some so badly then COME AND GET SOME!" Vanica says in a slightly psychotic tone as she activates one of her attacks

Vanica: "Ohhh so it's blood you want eh? Well if you want some so badly then COME AND GET SOME!" Vanica says in a slightly psychotic tone as she activates one of her attacks

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Vanica: "RED BEAST!" But before she can send her attack, the villains escape, but not without the deaths of Dabi and Shigaraki.

Y/n: "Tch, Dammit. Little shits got away. No matter, we'll get our rematch with them eventually. Let's just repair the house and get back to what we were doing." You say as you make 10 wood clones to repair your damaged home.

Vanica: "I didn't even get to kill one of them... Not even one." She says while crying anime tears.

As she is crying, you comedically hit her on the head

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As she is crying, you comedically hit her on the head.

Y/n: "Jeez, Quit crying already. You'll get your chance again someday."

Vanica: "Quit hitting me you JERK!" She says while also trying to hit you, but none of her attempts work.

Vanica: "Quit hitting me you JERK!" She says while also trying to hit you, but none of her attempts work

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Y/n: 'Cute.' You accidentally said out loud.

Vanica: "W-What?!" She says while blushing, them passing out.

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