Chapter 10

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After Yours and Vanica's quirk test, it just happened to be the end of the school day, so you and your class go to the dormitories. You've been waiting for this, you wanted to talk to vanica about something being off with Deku. And now that the school day is over, You can do exactly that.

As you and Vanica go to your shared dorm, Vanica locks the door and immediately goes straight to business.

Vanica: "Ok Y/n. What the hell was that? You beat their class singlehandedly fairly easy I assume, so why did you look at That Midoriya guy as if you were scared of him?" Vanica Questions you.

Y/n: "Honestly, I don't know. Just by looking at him, I could tell that he was harboring something dark and evil, I don't know what it is but whatever it is Deku mostly has no idea of its existence." You answered Vanica.

Vanica: "Something dark... Hm... OH WAIT! Do you think it could be-!" She then gets cut off by you.

Y/n: "A Demon? I think so as well but this one feels slightly different from yours and theirs." He answers Vanica

Y/n: "Let's say it is a demon, Then that brings up more questions, Number 1: Why didn't it try to do anything? I may have no idea how long he's had a demon but If it was from day 1 then I highly doubt that it would do nothing for all of his life. Now it could be biding its time for, waiting for something. This could be why it hasn't done anything. So I'm gonna stick to my guns and believe that it's a demon."

Y/n: "Number 2: Does Deku know about his demon? Because when you activated your demon form everyone was shaken in fear, but for some reason, Deku wasn't, Now this could either because he brave and just wasn't scared of your demon form. OR he could've been already exposed to a Demon's presence and knows of Its existence. But if that's the case why not use its powers when he fought against me? For this question, I think that he doesn't know."

Y/n: "And Number 3: Why didn't I feel its hatred until AFTER their raid and not DURING it? I sensed every single person that was there on that day, Except the demon. Maybe it's trying to reach out to your demon? And It just didn't know of you until we went to UA? Maybe that's the reason?" You say finally stopping your theory session, giving Vanica a headache.

Vanica: "You did yet? Or do I have to keep listening? Because I think you're just thinking too much into it. If it is and a demon with bad intentions then we have the power to stop it. So why are you so worried?" Vanica says trying to calm you down.

Y/n: "Guess you're right." You say in a still slightly worried tone of voice. Then an idea suddenly pops into Vanica's head.

Vanica: "Hey... Y/n... Why don't we do a little something to calm your nerves?" She says as she starts taking off her clothes.

Y/n: "What are you doing?" You question her.

Vanica: "That little display of power you did at that quirk test has got me a little... Worked up... And I do not doubt that it has gotten the other girls worked up. Too bad I don't feel like sharing." She says as she strips down to just her bra and panties.

~Lemon Start~

She then starts the show off by straddling you and kissing you passionately. You were a bit hesitant at first but then do decided to let her in, melting into the kiss, she then wraps her legs around your torso, and her legs around your Neck pushing her bare, sexy body against yours, deepening the kiss. She then feels your member get hard. 'Phase 1 complete, Phase 2: Is a go' She thinks to herself.

She then stops kissing you. And crouches down to your hardened member, unzipping your pants and putting your member against your face breathing on the tip lightly, making you shiver in pleasure and her smirk on victory.

She then cuts the pretenses and immediately starts sucking, her already having experience taking your member, can take around 14 inches. Making you groan in pleasure.

After several minutes of Vanica sucking you off, you finally cum in her mouth, you hold her head in place continuing to cum for about 2 minutes. After you stopped your member was no longer hard. But Vanica knew exactly what she had to do.

She then taps your leg getting your attention, you then look at her as she opens her mouth, showing all the cum that you shot into it. Then she closes her mouth and swirls it in her mouth for a few seconds, then swallows it, reopening her mouth to show you that all of your cum was consumed by her. This instantly gets you hard again, then she does something that you didn't expect.

Vanica: "I figured that now would be the perfect time for you to claim me~." she says with heart-shaped eyes.

She then starts to take her panties off, showing you how wet she is. You figured that if she wanted to do this then you weren't gonna refuse her.

She then completely takes her panties off as she starts to sit on your member it was a bit painful for her so you decided to unhook her bra and suck on her nipples.

As you do this, your member starts to completely enter her, after a few seconds your member is completely inside of her, signifying that her virginity was taken by you.

She then starts to moan very loudly, worrying that the other students might hear her. You kiss her passionately. Silencing her moans of pleasure.

For several minutes you and vanica were passionately kissing. Having your member repeatedly entering in and out of her. You were about to cum once more. As you were gonna warn her, she then cuts you off by saying:

Vanica: "It's *ugh* fine I'm *sigh* on the p-pill." She says while in the most pleasure she's ever been in her life.

You once again thinking that if she's fine with it, you were gonna go along with it, and then, you cum. You cum inside her for about 3 minutes. After that, both of you lay down in the king-sized bed given to you by Nezu for a "special occasion" Slick bastard.

Both of you just lay there, thinking about what just happened. Then, you decided to speak first.

Y/n: "We've gotten so that again sometime." You offered to Vanica. Without hesitation, Vanica instantly agrees.

-Timeskip 1 week-
Over the last week, You and Vanica integrated yourselves into the dekusquad with Ochako Uraraka, Tenya Iida, Shoto Todoroki, Tsuyu Asui, and Now you and Vanica. You don't care for the others. The only real reason you joined their friend group was to watch Deku, and see if his weird dark entity would try anything. So far, nothing has happened yet. But that doesn't mean you won't continue watching him.

And during one of your days off, you decided to walk the path of life, then, something strange happened. Suddenly you bump into something, no, not something, someONE.

You then check to see if the little girl that's bumped into you is alright, suddenly, a figure wearing a bird mask comes out

???: "I'm sorry for my daughter. She's been a bit rebellious lately." He then comes out of the shadows. Revealing himself.

He then sees that the person that his "daughter" Bumped into. He then sees that it was you. He then thinks to himself:

???: 'D-Damn! Out of all the people she could've bumped into, why did it have to be him! If he catches me lying I'm done for, I have to choose my next few words very carefully otherwise I'm dead!' He panics in his head, but on the outside, he still looks unsurprised.

The little girl that he said was named Eri, Now getting a good look at your face has hope, something that she didn't have in years! She encountered the Savior of Japan! If anyone could get her away from him it was you!

Eri: "S-Sir, please

Help me."

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