Final Battle, Part 3

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Y/n: "No no... That can't be right..." You unknowingly say out loud.

Vanica: "What? What's not right?" Vanica asks you curiously?

Y/n: "It's just that... All he's been doing is stopping time, Thats an incredible power and all but I figured he would have some other tricks up his sleeves, He is the Otsutsuki king after all." You said in a confused tone of voice.

Vanica: "Wait... Are you serious? Now that I think about it, he hasn't used any special jutsu yet, Kinda weird considering his guards said that he was this all-powerful God..." Vanica says, realizing you were right.

Y/n: "Also, I think I figured out something about his time stop, I believe that he needs to cool down the universe to do it. And before you ask, let me explain. I noticed that when he releases his time stop, The area gets colder, And it's been getting colder each time he does it, Now I may not be a science expert but Time just doesn't do that. Another thing is that when he stopped time, I used my blaze release to burn it, when It was active I managed to move in his stopped time for 8 seconds instead of 3. It can't be a coincidence that the one time I'm able to move longer, It's when I activated Blaze release, which has flames that are around 5000 degrees hot. So my theory is this; I believe that It takes a while to cool down the universe, If something as hot as Amaterasu is near him, the process of stopping time takes longer, And if you can move during the stopped time and use Amaterasu, It cuts through the area of stopped time like a knife through butter." You explain to vanica, making her brain emit steam.

Vanica: "I- uh, I stopped listening after the blaze release part..." Vanica says nervously.

Y/n: " Ok, basically what I'm saying is that the hotter our attacks, The weaker his time stop gets." You say simply, making vanica understand.

Vanica: "Ohhhh! I get it! I can use my lava release to make his time stop worsen!" Vanica says happily.

Y/n: "Now then, Why don't we test out our theory." You say while you and vanica smile evilly at Yorino, making him shiver slightly.

Yorino: 'Shit! They've figured it out.' Yorino says while shaking nervously. Because all of his life, he relied on his unique and powerful ability, Even among the Otsutsuki, he was something special. He's been held up on this pedestal by everyone around him, making him cocky and arrogant. And when he became king, His confidence only shot up even further, Even when boruto and Sarada massacred every living Otsutsuki and scarred him, Instead of getting rid of the threat right away, he wanted to break their minds, but they never did. They were too mentally strong to have their minds and sanity destroyed.

Yorino: 'It doesn't matter if they figured me out or not! Because I can always use the same tricks I did with Bour and Sarada!' Yorino thinks to himself while smirking evilly.

Yorino then dashes at you, preparing a punch, you try to block it, but then he does a dirty trick and pokes your eyes, instinctively making you scream out in pain and rub your eyes, as your doing this, he goes in for a barrage of punches.

Yorino then dashes at you, preparing a punch, you try to block it, but then he does a dirty trick and pokes your eyes, instinctively making you scream out in pain and rub your eyes, as your doing this, he goes in for a barrage of punches

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Vanica seeing this gets pissed off, which was the reaction he was hoping for.

Vanica: "You underhanded bastard!" She shouts while dashing at Yorino.

Yorino then does hand signs for a fire jutsu, as a bluff. Instead of breathing fire at Vanica, he spits at her.

Vanica, being incredibly grossed out by the fact he spat at her, wipes her face, trying to get all of the salivae off of her face

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Vanica, being incredibly grossed out by the fact he spat at her, wipes her face, trying to get all of the salivae off of her face. While she's doing this, Yorino gives her a devastating punch to the gut. Sending her flying while vomiting out blood.

Yorino then dashes out of the castle, with the intent of wearing down your stamina so he could go in for more blows

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Yorino then dashes out of the castle, with the intent of wearing down your stamina so he could go in for more blows.

Y/n: 'Dammit. I already hated this bastard for what he did to my parents and now that he's doing this, I hate him all the more. I promise you Yorino, You will burn in hell for this.' You thought yourself while being extremely pissed.

Vanica: 'Damn it. First, it's that stupid time stop, now it's underhanded tactics? I promise this Yorino, You will suffer.' Vanica also thought to herself while being royally frustrated.

Vanica & Y/n: 'I'll make sure you'll suffer a painful, AGONIZINGLY painful death. You dirty bastard.' You both said at the same time, with an incredibly pissed-off expression on your faces.

' You both said at the same time, with an incredibly pissed-off expression on your faces

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