Final Battle, Part 2

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Vanica: "W-What, Time Manipulation?! Where'd you get that from?!" Vanica asks you in a surprised tone of voice.

Y/n: "You've seen it too haven't you? Everything stopped moving and the world went gray for a few moments. I have no idea what his time limit is but I can say with confidence that his ability is Time Manipulation." You say with confidence.

Yorino: "Congratulations, you've figured out my ability! You're the third person to figure it out, The first 2 being Those little gnat parents of yours." Yorino said while grinning.

Yorino: "And since you figured it out, I'll reward your little feeble brains with more knowledge of my abilities. You see, I can only stop time, Not rewind or fast forward. And I can stop time for around 13 seconds." Yorino says smugly, very confident in his ability.

Y/n: '13 seconds huh? Well, I and Vanica can move in that stopped time for around 3 seconds. We need to find some way to Increase that time.' You think to yourself, You then notice something, Yorino was shivering. Almost like he was cold or something, You then notice that the air around you was oddly colder than it was when you came in. Maybe that has something to do with his ability?

-cut to boruto and Sarada-

Boruto suddenly feels like the temperature has dropped. He then realizes why this is happening, and then he speaks to Sarada.

Boruto: "You feel that? It's getting colder. That means that Yorino is using that little ability of his." Boruto says while shivering a bit.

Sarada: "Yeah, I feel it. Let's just hope that whoever he's fighting can figure out that if they have enough heat around, that his time stop will be useless." Sarada responds to boruto.

Boruto: "Yeah, Although I am kind of amazed about how he does it. I mean, Cooling down the Universe is pretty awesome." Boruto says, admiring Yorinos ability.

Sarada then headbutts him, and says: "You Idiot, you're not supposed to praise the enemy!" Sarada says angrily.

Boruto: "Geez, Ok I get it to relax." Boruto says to Sarada.

Boruto then thinks to himself: 'Wait... Who IS fighting yorino right now?' Then a lightbulb goes off in his head

Boruto: "WAIT! Could the person that's fighting Yorino be... Y/n?" Boruto says to Sarada.

Sarada then has a sudden realization, then she says: "YEAH! That could be y/n! But we can't be sure about that right now. That could be anyone fighting him right now, Let's just hope that it's y/n, I've been wanting to see my boy again." Sarada says while tearing up.

Boruto: "Yeah, I hope so too."

-cut to y/n and vanica vs yorino.-

Yorino then stops time and charges toward you, To get the most amount of damage in the 3 seconds that you have, you summon your Susanoo and create a Blaze release arrow, shooting it at Yorino, It ends up hitting Yorinos arm, burning him. But then he summons a weird bubble-like thing with Roman Numerals on it.

He uses this to trap the Amaterasu inside is it and send them away, Preventing further damage

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He uses this to trap the Amaterasu inside is it and send them away, Preventing further damage. But after he uses this, He looks visibly winded.

You think that using those bubbles just tires him out, Seeing that he has to compress his ability down to a sphere shape must Be Exhausting.

But he couldn't be further from the truth. You then notice something, Off.
You were still moving, It's been way longer than three seconds, You take a mental note of this, and get sent flying back from a punch from yorino.

Y/n: "Vanica, I managed to move for 8 seconds instead of 3! And it's been getting colder in this room, have any theories as to why?" You shout at Vanica.

Vanica: "Yeah, I've noticed! As for theories, I have no idea." She says while crying anime tears.

You and vanica then stop talking and charge at Yorino, Getting into a Taijutsu battle.

After several minutes of being unable to gain an advantage over one another, you and Vanica jump back and Aim a double chakra enhanced punch straight to his gut, making him vomit out blood.

After several minutes of being unable to gain an advantage over one another, you and Vanica jump back and Aim a double chakra enhanced punch straight to his gut, making him vomit out blood

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After you and vanica punch him, he gets sent flying back while holding his chest in pain.

Yorino: "Tch. You damn brats!" Yorino shouts at them angrily.

Yorino then stops time once more, Making you confused, All he's doing is stopping time and occasionally punching you... You'd think that as the king of the strongest species in existence, he'd have more techniques.
But no, all he's been doing is freezing time and nothing else.

Y/n: 'Why hasn't he done anything else yet? I thought he'd do an occasional Jutsu here and there but all he's doing is stopping time... Could that be...

All he's capable of?'

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