Chapter 6

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-5 hours later, 2 hours before the heroes show up-

We see both you and Vanica sitting on the couch watching a romance movie in your living room.

After the movie ended, both of you just sat there, awkwardly next to each other, Wanting to confess to each other, but not having the guts to do so.

Y/n: 'Dammit Y/N, Just Say it. Just say how you feel, WHY ARE YOU MAKING THIS SO HARD FOR YOURSELF?!?!' You screamed in your mind, not finding the confidence to say how you feel.

Vanica: 'Cmon Vanica, you can do this, you overheard him saying that he liked you earlier. YOU KNOW HE LIKES YOU SO JUST DO THIS ALREADY!!' Even though she overheard you saying that you liked her, saying that she liked you back was still very, VERY difficult.

Y/n: 'Dammit y/n Come hell or high water your gonna say this. YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE!' You said within your head, finally gaining the determination to say how you feel.

Y/n: "H-Hey Vanica?" You say without confidence, still slightly scared that she'll reject you.

Vanica: "Yeah?" 'Please do what I think you're doing' Said Vanica in her head, hoping you finally confess to her.

Y/n: "I-I like you. And not as a friend. But as a-" As you were about to finish your sentence, you get cut off by Vanica kissing you. You both continue kissing each other passionately for 5 minutes, having to break apart for oxygen. Vanica is then the first to speak.

Vanica: "I li- no, I Love you. I've loved you for so long but you've always been the stoic, quiet type. So I was thinking that you weren't interested in me.." She says while crying.

Y/n: "I'm sorry for not noticing you sooner, I was just so caught up with my vigilante work and some recent incident that I was unaware. But that doesn't matter now, All that matters now is that we're together." You say in an uncharacteristically happy tone of voice.

Vanessa: "S-So... You wanna continue?" She asked referring to the heated make-out session you had earlier.

Y/n: "Of Course." You then start kissing her.

After several minutes of kissing her, she starts to move on top of your lap, straddling you, and then she wraps her legs around your torso, then her arms around your neck, and pushing her body against yours, deepening the kiss. You then unconsciously give a firm grip to her ass. Surprising her, stopping the kiss.

Y/n: "Oh shit! Sorry! I didn't mean to look like a per-" She then cuts you off by kissing you.

Vanica: "Oh?~ I didn't know you loved me that much~ Suprised me a bit." You then sigh of relief, happy that she didn't hate you because of what you did. But then she does something completely unexpected.

Vanica: "You don't have to worry about me thinking you're a perv, after all," She then pushes against you, even more, whispering something in your ear. "You can use your big strong hands to touch me however you want~" She then breathes lightly into your ear, Sending a shiver down your spine. She then notices a certain member down there getting excited. She uses this as an opportunity to tease you even more.

Vanica: "Oh? Getting excited are we~?" She then gets off you and crouches in front of your growing member.

Vanica: "Of Course I'm not ready for the real thing yet, So I'll give you the next best thing." She says while unzipping your pants.


As Vanica unzips your pants she then gets shocked at what she sees.

Vanica: "W-wow. How did you manage to hide this?" She says in a shocked tone at your 16-inch member.

Y/n: "Well, We have separate bathrooms and rooms so you never really noticed." You say while chuckingly nervously.

Vanica: "Well enough talking, time to get to the fun part." She says as she starts stroking your member, making you shiver in pleasure.

Vanica: "Sorry if I'm bad at this, I'll get better over time." She says slightly disappointed in herself.

Y/n: "Dont *hng* worry, your *ugh* plenty good as is." You say while you're in pleasure.

Y/n: "I-Im gonna-" you then cut yourself as you cumming all over her face. She then gives your cum a taste

Vanica: "Hmm Wow! This stuff is great! It's like Liquid Ice cream!" She says with stars in her eyes. While licking the rest of your release off her face

Vanica: "Now then, time for the finale~" She then puts her lips on your member, Bobbing her head up and down slowly, trying to get used to your size. She could only take around 9 inches but it still felt amazing to you.

Y/n: "W-Wow you *hng* feel amazing." you say while in pleasure.

Y/n: "I-Im gonna-" You then cut yourself off again my cumming down her throat, you held her head down to the bottom of your member, trying to maximize the pleasure, Vanica, also trying to please you as much as possible, take it all, then after 2 minutes of cumming, you finally stop.

~End Lemon~

Y/n: "T-That was amazing.." You say slightly tired from how much you came in her mouth, While also watching Vanica Swallow all of your semen.

Vanica: "You said it! The taste of your cum is amazing! I was expecting it to be all salty and gross but it was the opposite! Almost makes me wanna go again~" She says in a slightly seductive voice. You then look at her with a shocked expression.

Vanica: "Just kidding!" She says with a smug smirk.

Vanica: "Buuut I do wanna do that again some other day, I've had my fill for today." She says as she walks away.

-Timeskip 2 hours-

As your laying down on your bed, you hear a knock on your door. You then question yourself:

Y/n: "Wonder who that is?"

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