Chapter 24

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Boruto: "Alright Alright Relax, I'm gonna explain everything." Boruto says, prepping for the shocked faces he'll get.

Boruto: "You see, Me and her, Are y/n's parents." Boruto says bluntly, as the room goes silent.

Everyone: "WHAAAAAAAAAAAT!?" Everyone said completely shocked, After all, You never said anything about your parents, even when they asked, you would just dodge the question. Thinking that it was a touchy subject, everyone stopped asking about them, and now 2 random that showed up out of nowhere are claiming that they're the parents of y/n.

Aizawa: "Well, I'm just gonna say it, I don't believe you. Once y/n wakes up he'll confirm whether or not your his parents. Also, who exactly are you?" Aizawa asked curiously.

Sarada: "You see..." She then goes on to explain who they are, how they are here, and their time with the Otsutsuki king.

After hearing Sarada explain everything, They felt bad for y/n. Some of the girls even started crying because of what they went through. They wanted to beat the living shit out of Yorino for all of the stuff he did to them. But since you and vanica already killed him, there would be no need to do that.

-Timeskip 3 months.-

You and Vanica have been out for a total of 3 months. Recovery girl managed to heal almost all of your injures. Except for the missing arms of course.

Then, you and Vanica wake up at the same time, seeing as you in a different place than you were before, you both immediately start panicking.

Y/n & Vanica: "WHERE IS VANICA/YN?!" You both ask at the same time.

As you both hear each other voice, they immediately turn their heads in the direction where they heard it. Then they get worried about the other's injuries, completely ignoring themselves.

Y/n & Vanica: "VANICA/YN!! YOUR ARM! ARE YOU OKAY?!" They say at the same time again, ignoring themselves.

Recovery girl then bonks them on the head, making them both shout in pain.

Recovery girl: "Both of you calm down. Now then, It's good to see you both awake. I'll go inform your class right away." She says as she calls Aizawa, telling him the good news.

And a second later, everyone from your class arrives, bombarding you and Vanica with questions and hugs.

Bakugo: "Hey you damn extra, It's good to see you alive." Bakugo says trying to be threatening, but everyone knows that he's happy that they didn't die.

Izuku: "Thank God you two aren't dead! It does suck that you lost your arms though. Reminds me of my first day at UA!" Izuku says, remembering all the times that he destroyed his arms.

Kirishima: "Yeah, You guys were too manly to just up and die!" Kirishima says while crying manly tears.

Todoroki: "It's a relief that the 2 most powerful students weren't killed by that Otsutsuki guy. If that were to happen then we would be done for." Todoroki says stoically.

You then finally take a look at your missing right arm, making everyone slightly scared of how you'll react.

Y/n: "Welp, You win some you lose some I guess." You say while yawning.

Izumi: "Limbs?" Izuku said questioningly, You were entirely unaffected by the loss of one of your arms, the most important part of the body, It is possible to live without them and all but everyone who has lost limbs in an accident has had some sort of reaction, But you just looked like you didn't care in the slightest.

Y/n: "Yeah, it's no big deal. I've taken extensive measures to make sure I can fight as well as I can with both arms. I'm also Ambidextrous." You explain to Izuku.

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