Chapter 8

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Nezu just stood there, shocked at what you just said, "We want them dead more than anything in the world"?
You couldn't be serious about that statement... Right? As he was about to say something, you cut him off.

Y/n: " And before you say that "It's not very hero-like to kill' Nonsense. I don't care. They're way too dangerous to just be let alive." You say in a firm tone of voice, signifying that you won't change your mind.

Nezu was about to say something again, but you cut him off once more.

Y/n: "And before you say that you could throw some anti quirk cuffs on him and throw him in Tartarus, That won't work. And before you ask why, I felt that Aizawa was trying to erase my "quirk" earlier. What you don't know is that my powers aren't anything related to a quirk. It's the same with Dante and Zenon. They're the villain versions of us in a way." You explained to nezu, leaving him shocked at what you just said to him.

Nezu: "Ok ok we're getting off track. You are gonna stay in your current home until we get you and vanica's dorm built. And then we'll talk about this further at UA." Nezu said to you.

Y/n: "All right then." You replied to nezu, as you're going back to your room.

Nezu: "All right, Anyone who can still walk carries Midioriya, Bakugo, and Kirishima. They need to get to recovery girl." Nezu ordered the heroes and students that didn't get decimated by you.

Endeavor: "So anti quirk cuffs nor Eraserhead's quirk work on him huh? That's pretty interesting. And didn't he say something about his powers not being quirk-related? Maybe if we ask him he'll tell us how he got those abilities and use them to get an edge over the villains." Endeavor said to Nezu.

Nezu: "I highly doubt that he'll just give us the secrets to his powers. A secret of that degree should be kept on a tight lock and key." Nezu said shooting down Endeavors Idea.

Endeavor: "Tch. Whatever." Endeavor said angrily while walking away with the rest of the heroes back to UA.

Aizawa: 'I'm not paid enough to deal with this crap.' Aizawa complained in their head.

-Timeskip 1 week-

We cut to Izuku, Bakugo, and Kirishima in the recovery girl's office, just waking up after the beating they took from you.

Izuku: "AH! WHAT HAPPENED WHERES-" he then cuts himself off as he sees that he's in the recovery girl's office.

Bakugo: "SHUT THE HELL UP YOU DAMN NERD!" Bakugo shouts at Izuku.

Kirishima: "Geez... Quit yelling bakubro My head still hurts from that hit I took." Kirishima says as he starts rubbing his head.

Recovery girl: "What happened was that you got your behinds handed to you. Badly. Fortunately, you guys were the only ones that were injured, and even then you weren't hurt all that badly. I was expecting was worse when I heard that you were going after Y/n and Vanica." The recovery girl says to the 3 injured students.

Izuku: "Ok that's good. But what happened with Y/n and Vanica?" Questioned Izuku to the Old healer.

Recovery girl: "Oh that? They're joining UA Tomorrow." Recovery girl replies to the green bean.

Bakugo: "WHAT?!? THAT FUCKING EXTRA! I'LL KICK HIS FUCKING ASS FOR WHAT HE DID TO ME!" Shouted Bakugo in anger for the defeat he suffered at your hands.

Izuku: "Calm down Kacchan! Even if you get another chance to fight him you wouldn't be able to win!" Izuku says to Bakugo in an attempt to calm him down.

Kirishima: "I agree with him Bakubro! You would just get thrown again!" Kirishima says backing up Izuku.

Bakugo: "SHUT THE HELL UP SHITTY HAIR!!" Bakugo shouts at the manly redhead.

Izuku then lays down while staring at the ceiling, he then thinks to himself:

Izuku: 'Was I THAT badly outmatched? Did I do anything that helped the raid in the slightest? Or was I just a punching bag for that y/n guy?' Izuku thinks to himself, thinking that he was useless during the raid. He then tries to reassure himself.

Izuku: 'No! I can't think like that! I worked hard to get here, and I can't stop now! I WILL be the number 1 hero!' He then stops and thinks to himself once more.

Izuku: 'W-Wait! If they're gonna go to UA.. Does that mean that my dream will be stolen by them? B-But I want to be the Symbol! Not them! DAMMIT! But shouldn't I be happy that Japan will have the best hero possible to protect them? I am but... Why do I feel like this then? Why do I feel.......


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