Final Battle, Part 1

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-Cut back to UA-

After you and vanica left to fight the king, there was an off-putting silence in the dorms, after several minutes of this, Izuku finally gains the courage to speak.

Izuku: "So... So you think y/n and vanica will win?" Izuku asked, breaking the suffocating silence in the room.

Bakugo: "Tch, You stupid nerd. Of course, they'll win! Are you doubting their capabilities now after all that they have done?" Bakugo says in an uncharacteristically calm voice, but with a hint of nervousness.

Izuku: "I guess you're right, but still, I'm nervous about what'll happen if they lose. What if that King guy comes to earth and destroys it? No people in the world could even have a chance of standing up to someone like him other than y/n and vanica." Izuku says in a worried tone.

Ochako: "Cmon Deku, don't act like this, it isn't like you!" The gravity girl said to Izuku, upset that he has no faith in you or vanica.

Kirishima: "Yeah dekubro! Don't doubt them, they'll win I'm certain of that!" Kirishima says to Izuku.

Mina: "Yeah green bean, you need to calm down, I have no doubt in my mind that they'll come out on top!" The pink alien-like girl said cheerfully.

Izuku then sighs and says: "Yeah... Let's just hope you guys are right." Izuku said still slightly worried.

-cut to the king's palace.-

You and vanica waste no time and immediately charge toward the king, as you were about to hit him, however, you find yourselves in the same spot as you started, and with the king laughing.

Yorino: "AHAHAHAHA!! LOOK AT YOU FOOLS, SO CONFUSED AS TO WHAT HAPPENED, I CAN NEVER GET TIRED OF THAT!!" The Otsutsuki king said while laughing his ass off.

Vanica: 'What the hell just happened? He didn't even move an inch and he somehow sent us back to the spot we were in before! Does that have something to do with his ability?!' Vanica Mind boggles.

Y/n: 'The hell?! He didn't even move and he somehow sent us back to where we were before! What could his ability be?!' You also mind boggled

Yorino: "Yes! Keep trying to wrap your pathetic human-sized brains around what my ability could be! And also before you die, My name is Yorino, Yorino Otsutsuki, KING of the Otsutsuki clan!" Yorino said in a smug tone of voice.

An idea pops into your head, You then activate your EMS and send Amaterasu flames at him, You figured
That if you sent attacks that were super fast at him, he wouldn't have been able to activate whatever he could dodge it, It does damage the king a bit, but not that much.

You and Vanica then run at the king again while activating your Karma, then the king activates his ability, but when he activates his ability you noticed that everything went gray for a bit, but the second that you notice you immediately get sent to the spot you were before.

Y/n: "Vanica! Did you notice it too?!" You shout at vanica.

Vanica: "Yeah I did! It feels like the world stopped for a second, then I suddenly ended up back here!" Vanica shouts back at you.

Yorino: 'I've got to end this quickly, If they can move within my ability, like those bastards Boruto and Sarada, then they're a threat. But toying with them is so fun! Maybe next I could-' but before he could finish his thought, you get cut off by you and vanica landing a solid punch to his face.

You & Vanica: "PAY ATTENTION!" you and vanica said at that same time.

Yorino then creates 2 bright red sabers, then used his ability to get behind you and slash you and vanica in the back.

Vanica: "That damned ability! So annoying!" She says while annoyed.

Vanica then charges up a Rasen shuriken, You, knowing what she's thinking, send Amaterasu flames into it. You also hold on to the Rasen shuriken to help her control it, You then run at the king with the Rasen Shuriken.

You and vanica then run at Yorino, but Yorino just uses his ability to dodge at the last second, But you and vanica notice something, Everything stopped moving

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You and vanica then run at Yorino, but Yorino just uses his ability to dodge at the last second, But you and vanica notice something, Everything stopped moving. A piece of rock that was gonna fall from all battle you were having with the king, The flames in the torches that lined the inside of the castle also stopped moving, but before you could question it, You were both sent flying back into a castle wall.

Vanica: "Ok, so you noticed THAT right?" Vanica says in a shocked tone of voice at what just happened.

Y/n: "Yeah, And I think I know what his ability is." You respond to vanica.

Vanica: "Well, Spill it already! What's his ability!?" Vanica says getting impatient.

Y/n: "I think his ability is...

Time Manipulation."

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