Chapter 11

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Y/n: "Uh hey, you say this is your daughter correct? Then why does she look scared of you? She's shaking in fear just by your voice. I may not be a parent but even I know that's not the right way to raise a kid. And what's with the bandages" You Questioned Overhaul with a slightly angered face.

Overhaul: "Well Sir, I discipline my daughter from time to time. Combine that with the fact that she falls over from time to time from playing too rough, thats why she has bandages." Answered overhaul quickly and with a calm face. But on the inside, he's panicking.

Overhaul: 'Damn! What is this 20 Questions?!? If I try to fight him I can't win so I have to pray that he doesn't pry anymore!' Overhaul thinks to himself.

Y/n: "Hm. Interesting." Then an idea pops into your head.

You look at Overhaul in the eyes and activate a genjutsu. You then make a mud clone thats Eris's size, you then take a hair from her head and put it in the clone's head. Making an exact clone of Eri. You then signal Eri to go hide, you then undo the Illusion on overhaul and give him his daughter back as if nothing had happened.

Y/n: "Oh well. Not my place to pry. You can have your daughter back now." You then give overhaul his "daughter" back, He looks like he doesn't mind but on the inside, he's celebrating himself.

Overhaul: 'YES! I got out of that situation alive and with my cure! My wordplay has saved me once again!'

After you see that Overhaul is a good distance away you get Eri from the alley she was hiding in and quickly fly black to UA at top speeds.

Y/n: "Hey Eri, hold on tight alright? We're gonna fly to UA and I don't want you to fall." You warn Eri.

Eri: "O-Ok Mister." She says sheepishly as she holds on to your clothes.

You then proceed to fly back to UA.

-Back at UA-

After you go to the dorms everyone sees Eri and everyone immediately starts Questioning you.

IIda: "What are you doing with a kid? Children aren't allowed on school property!" IIda says in his classic bitchy tone.

Izuku: "Yeah. Who is she anyway?" Izuku questioned you?

While the guys were interrogating you, all the girls cooed at how cute the child your holding is.

Eri was very uncomfortable by how many people were swarming you and her. And start clinging to you and looking away from them.

Y/n: "Geez... Calm down, don't you see you're scaring her?" You said while leaking a bit of killer intent, making everyone zip it immediately.

Everyone: "S-Sorry Y/n!" Everyone says intimidated by you.

Eri: "Hey... Mr y/n?" Eri calls you in a cute voice.

Y/n: "Yes?" You replied to her. Unknowing of what was about to happen.

Eri: "Will you be my new papa?" Eri asks you in an innocent voice. Making you blush a deeper shade than ever before. Making everyone start laughing at you.


Mina: "OHOHO MY GOD THIS IS PURE GOLD!" Mina says while laughing.

Izuku: "HOHOLY HELL! THIS IS HILARIOUS!" The greenette says through laughter.

You then calm down from the sheer embarrassment of being asked straight out to be someone's father.

Y/n: "Well Eri, I'll give you my answer once I come back. For now, I have to tell the principal about my encounter with overhaul. As it is a pretty big deal. Not to boost me up or anything but you were lucky to have run into me and not anyone else. Otherwise, you might still be with overhaul right now." You said to Eri as she nodded, but slightly scared to be separated from you.

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