Chapter 22

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You suddenly start tearing up a bit, like the most important people in the world are hurting, You were confused by this because the only real important person you had in your life was Vanica, and she was right next to you watching TV.

So why are you feeling like this? Maybe you had some distant family that you never knew about? Questions for later. You wipe your eyes and continue watching TV.

Today was Saturday, and it was the most boring day of your life. You could train sure, but it would only get you so far, And it wasn't helping that you were basically at your peak.

You could just keep sitting here and watch TV with Vanica, but that was also boring. Nothing was happening today, No villain Attacks, No robberies no nothing. It was just, nothing.

Even the news had nothing to report, they even said themselves that Today was the slowest day of the year.

Then, you remember the feeling you had earlier, like someone precious to you is being harmed. You decided that you would spend the day trying to figure out who that other precious person was. You then get up to leave.

Vanica, seeing you get up, decides to question you about it, as she was also excruciatingly bored and wanted to do something.

Vanica: "Hey y/n, where ya going?" Vanica asks.

Y/n: "I had this weird feeling earlier, like someone I know and care about is being hurt, And you're the only person I had a real connection with so who else could it be? I've got nothing better to do so I'm gonna try and find out who that precious person is." You respond to Vanica.

Vanica: "Oh really? Something to do?! Can I tag along PLEASEEEE??" Vanica asks you with puppy dog eyes.

Y/n: "You can put those away, I was gonna ask if you wanted to come along anyway." You respond while smiling at her.

Vanica: "YAAY! TIME TO GO ON AN ADVENTURE!" Vanica says while looking out into the distance

Vanica: "YAAY! TIME TO GO ON AN ADVENTURE!" Vanica says while looking out into the distance

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-time skip 1 hour.-

Nothing. You found out absolutely nothing about that feeling you had earlier. Not a single clue, You were just exploring places in the past to see if you would find anything, but alas, you and Vanica didn't find a thing.

Vanica: "URGH! I thought this was gonna be fun! But we found NOTHING! Are you sure that it wasn't just one of those random feelings you have randomly?!" Vanica questions you in an annoyed tone.

Y/n: "It isn't just a random feeling vanica, I had this multiple times in the same day. No way it's just-" but before you can finish, you get a feeling that you should go north.

Y/n: "Vanica, Follow me, we're going north!" You say as you run in that direction.

Vanica: "Wait wha-?! Dammit fine!" She says as she begrudgingly ran after you.

-2 hours of running later, you arrive at the location.-

Vanica: "H-hey Y/n? Are we done running yet?" Vanica asks while winded.

Y/n: "Yeah... The feeling I had said to go north and kept bugging me until I arrived here, then it stopped." You said as you looked around, noticing a large run-down house, covered in plants.

" You said as you looked around, noticing a large run-down house, covered in plants

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Y/n: "Maybe that house has something in it." You say as you walked towards it, prompting Vanica to follow behind you.

You then enter the house, as expected the inside of the house wrecked. Dust and cobwebs covered green chairs and a glass table. Then, something in the corner of the living room directed sunlight into your eye. You then turn in the direction that the sunlight hit you.

You walk over and see a photo of a blonde man and a black-haired woman, holding a 2-year-old kid that looked a lot like you.

You walk over and see a photo of a blonde man and a black-haired woman, holding a 2-year-old kid that looked a lot like you

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(Imagine you in the middle. Also, imagine Sarada with her EMS on.)

Vanica: "Who are they? And why does that kid in the middle look a bit like you?" Vanica asked.

Y/n: "Wait a minute... Take a look at the guy's right eye, It looks a lot like... WAIT FOR A SECOND!" You then activate your karma mode and look in the reflection of the glass of the picture, Your right eye is the same as his.

You then notice that the woman in the picture had an EMS that looked strikingly similar to yours. You activate your EMS and continue looking into the photo, Your EMS has the same pattern as hers.



The Monster Duo (Malereader x BNHA) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now