Chapter 9

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-Timeskip to tomorrow, the day that you and Vanica officially join UA.-

Y/n: "Hey Vanica? You wanna go to UA? It's gotten kinda boring being Isolated out here. Plus we'll be sharing a dorm. I'm sure it won't be so bad!" You say trying Vanica to join UA.

Vanica: "Join UA? Yeah, sure I'm fine with it. AND we're sharing a dorm? Makes it all the better. I am kinda sad though." She replies to you.

Y/n: "Why?" You asked her with curiosity in your voice.

Vanica: "Because... We won't get to have our alone time anymore~." she whispers suggestively in your ear.

Y/n: "W-Well I think we should get g-going we're gonna be late." You say in an attempt to get her to stop teasing you.

Vanica: "Oh?~ Is my hot boyfriend getting nervous?~ Isn't that just adorable~" She again says in a seductive tone of voice, making you all the more flustered.

Y/n: "We really should be getting to UA." You said in a nervous and embarrassed tone of voice.

Vanica: "Well, guess your right. We should get going. So are we gonna fly there or?" She questions you.

Y/n: "We'll fly." You answer her.

-Cut back to UA-

Aizawa: "Well I would like to introduce you, to 2 new students who will be replacing Mineta and Kaminari, Welcome Y/n and Vanica as your official new classmates." He says expecting you to show up, but... You didn't.

Suddenly, we hear a bang on the window, Aizawa thinking it's some sort of Villian Attack, Aizawa immediately gets on guard. But instead of seeing a villain, he sees... You. Holding Vanica.

(A/n: Ignore Panther Lily, and Imagine Gajeel and Levy as You and Vanica

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(A/n: Ignore Panther Lily, and Imagine Gajeel and Levy as You and Vanica.)

Y/n: "Yo... Can you let me In?" You try to tell Aizawa, but because of the window, your voice is slightly muffled.

Aizawa just stood there. Completely shocked at what you are doing. On the FIRST DAY. You didn't come through the door like a normal person (haha funny) No, you came through the good damn WINDOW. Out of all the things he expected you to do, coming through the Window of all things wasn't one of them.

Aizawa: "Wha- I- I'm not even gonna bother asking." He then goes to open the window.

Y/n: "Thanks." You say completely ignoring your classmates laughing at your antics.

Aizawa: "A-Anyway These are your new classmates. You may know them already as we had to fight them. But you don't actually know them yet. So all of you will be introducing yourselves. Starting with Midoriya.

Izuku takes a few seconds to introduce himself, during that few seconds he just stares at you and Vanica with a bit of Malice, Jealousy, and a bit of Sadness? But Deep within him, you feel something, something dark, a mass of pure evil that has somehow been suppressed. You have no idea what it is but whatever that is you'll have to investigate later. But after feeling all that hatred and evil from him MASSIVE red flags immediately go off in your head. But you decided to keep this on the down-low, I mean, even if your super powerful and smart who would believe you? You can't just make a baseless claim about someone with no hard evidence. You decide that you'll only tell Vanica about this and NO  ONE else. After what felt like an eternity of a staring contest between you and Midoriya, he finally introduces himself.

Izuku: "Hello! My name is Izuku Midoriya! But you can call me Deku!" He says flashing a million-watt "smile" you can tell that he's faking that smile. But that only makes you all the more nervous. Where is that hatred your feeling coming from? And how is it being suppressed so well? Questions for later. For now, you gotta act like you don't notice and just go with the flow.

Y/n: "Nice to meet you Deku!" You say out loud. But inside your mind, you say: 'That Midoriya guy. I don't know why but he doesn't sit right with me. Even if I did beat the crap out of him when all those heroes tried to fight me, he couldn't possibly hate me THAT much because of that. This is something different.' Vanica notices how unnerved you were after Izuku introduced himself. She knows that you wanna pretend not to be unnerved so she decided to question you later.

Vanica: "It's also nice to meet you Deku," Vanica says in a fake friendly voice, fooling Midoriya.

After everyone introduced themselves to you and Vanica, Aizawa decided to do a quirk apprehension test for you and Vanica.

In the 50 meter dash, You get a score of 0.012 seconds, with Vanica getting a score of 0.013. Shocking everyone in the class at how fast you two were. Making a certain blonde pissed off.

In the Grip strength test, you get a score of 44500 kg, And Vanica getting a score of 41300 kg, Crushing the devices used to test your strength. Making everyone drop their jaws again, making Bakugo all the more pissed.

In the Standing long jump test, both you and Vanica clear the Sandbox. The class is impressed but not as impressed as they were in the other tests

In the repeated side steps both you and vanica step side to side faster than anyone can see, to them, all they could see was just a blur. Making the class shocked at your pure physical power. Making a certain blonde teenager's blood boil even further.

In the Ball throw, Vanica goes first, Activating her demon mode, making Aizawa and class 1-a slightly shaking in fear of what they're seeing. With Midoriya being the weird exception. But everyone is too scared of Vanica to even notice.

She then takes a pitcher's stance and theirs the ball, breaking the sound barrier and some students of class 1-a fly back decently far

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She then takes a pitcher's stance and theirs the ball, breaking the sound barrier and some students of class 1-a fly back decently far. Scoring 330 Kilometres, making the class appalled. She then deactivates her demon form, leaving her slightly winded.

You then stepped up to the plate, making the class staring at you in suspense, If Vanica scored so high what were you gonna score?

As you step up to the plate you activated your Rinnegan and then using your almightly push, and super strength, you score 660 Kilometers. DOUBLE Vanicas score. You then deactivated your Rinnegan and started walking off the plate. Not knowing the threat that would soon come.

-Cut to an unknown place with 2 unknown figures.-

???: "You felt that too right?" Questioned the unknown figure to the other.

???: "Yeah I did. And here I thought that we managed to stomp out the sparks before it became a fire. No matter. We'll just go there and kill the demon before it becomes an unstoppable force. If we let potential like hers continue to exist we won't be able to stop her." Said the figure fearing Vanica and her potential.

???: "And what about the guy?" Questioned the figure.

???: "We'll have to kill him too. The first time we fought him I got to feel his true potential, and he's a far bigger threat than the demon is. We have to get rid of them before they realize their potential." Replied the figure to the other figure.

???: "Agreed. How long will it take us to get to their location?" Questioned the figured.

???: "From here, around 3 months." Replied the figure.

???/???: "Vanica/Y/n, I swear by my hands you will be annihilated." The figures unknowingly said at the same time.

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