Chapter 19

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Izuku: "It's good to see you guys again, also, nice threads!" Izuku said while flashing a million-watt smile.

Y/n: "Thanks, and you too!" You said smiling back.

Aizawa: "Cmon children. You can welcome them back and update them in your dorms." Aizawa said to everyone.

Everyone: "Hai, Sensei!" Everyone said at once.

-Cut to the UA dorms.-

Izuku: "So... Y/n, Vanica, How exactly did you guys train?" Izuku asked curiously.

Y/n: "Well, converting her Mana to chakra took way less time than we expected. Instead of a year it only took 6 days. You can imagine our surprise when we found out about that." Y/n responded to Izuku.


Around a day into converting Vanicas Mana into chakra, Momoshiki noticed something.

Momoshiki: 'What the hell... Why is her mana being converted so fast? At this rate instead of this process taking a year, it'll only take around a week!' Momoshiki thought to himself, surprised at how fast her mana was being converted.

Momoshiki, being baffled at how fast her mana is being converted, decided to activate his byakugan to take a look at her. He then notices a black diamond-shaped mark on her left hand.

Momoshiki: 'I-Is that a Kama Mark?! How does she have it, When did she get it?!!' Momoshiki thought to himself being even more surprised.

Momoshiki: 'Maybe whoever gave her that is helping speed up the process of Vanicas mana being converted? I mean, how else would this be happening?' Momoshiki thought to himself.

Momoshiki: 'Well, while that Is certainly surprising, I can't disturb them. I'll just let them know when they wake up.' Momoshiki thought to himself while drifting off to sleep.

-flashback over-

Y/n: "So that's basically what happened with that. And after her mana was converted we decided to teach her as many Jutsu ads as possible as fast as possible. And with the power of shadow clones, it was a whole lot easier." You explained.


Momoshiki: "Hey vanica, Instead of doing this by yourself, summon clones." Momoshiki said.

Vanica: "Huh? Clones? How will clones help?" She asked confused.

Momoshiki: "You see, shadow clones are special. They may be the weakest of all clone Jutsu but shadow lines do something that no other clone can do, and that is that when they Russell all the knowledge they receive gets sent back to the user." Momoshiki explained, making Vanica surprised.

Vanica: "Are you serious?! Why didn't I do that sooner!?" She said as she summoned 100 shadow clones to work on different things.

Momoshiki: "Well, I'll leave you to it." He said as he flew away from vanica.

-flashback over-

Y/n: "Every day, she would summon hundreds of clones to train for hours on end. And because she has such massive reserves of chakra she wouldn't get tired very easily." You explained.

Y/n: "After around 5 months of doing that, she mastered everything we taught her. And after that, we worked on mastering Karma, which took around another 4 months. And after that, we worked on our physical strength and hand-to-hand for the remaining 3 months. I can lift around a maximum of 25 tons while Vanica can lift around 20." You explained, making everyone shocked at your sheer physical power.

Vanica: "Well, that's pretty much everything. Couldn't have said it better myself." Vanica said praising you.

Y/n: "Well, With that being said. I think I'll go to my room now. I'm tired." You said while yawning.

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