Chapter 12

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We cut to Izuku seeing 7 knocked-out figures and then seeing what he assumes knocked out those 7 figures, A weird entity that calls himself "Liebe." Izuku is of course scared out of his mind, too scared to move, but a part of his mind is interested in what's happening and wants to listen.

Liebe: "Hey brat. You alright? You look a bit shaken up. I mean thats what usually happens the first time someone meets us. Except one. I miss that guy, he was funny." Liebe says the last part sadly.

Izuku: "I-Im S-Sorry for your loss... Wait... Did you say Demon? And wait a minute... Why are you here in my head anyway?" Questions Izuku to the large entity that called himself a "demon"

Liebe: "Well kid. I've wanted to help you for a while now. Because the similarities between you and my brother are so apparent that I wanted to help you from the start. But I couldn't figure out how to contact you, and when I did find out those 7 annoyances stopped me. Thinking I would " Corrupt the Successor" Morons." Liebe replies to Izuku.

Izuku: "So are you my quirk or something?" Questions Izuku.

Liebe: "Not exactly, but if you wanna call me that then it's fine with me." Liebe responds.

Izuku then starts to tear up a bit. happy that he had a quirk this entire time, but not happy that he couldn't use it. Then Izuku questions the demon once more.

Izuku: "So what abilities will I get anyway?" Questions Izuku.

Liebe: "Well you get Immense physical strength for one, To the point where you could probably beat that all might guy before he passed on his quirk." Replies Liebe.

Izuku is shocked to hear this. Physical strength that could rival All mights! Unbelievable! Izuku then signals for him to go on.

Liebe: "And you get 3 swords. But these swords all different and unique effects, The first one is the Demon slayer sword, This sword allows you to cancel out the effects of quirks, and if someone with a quirk tries to touch this sword, their quirk will slowly get weaker. And if they're holding the sword for too long, their quirk will be gone forever."

Izuku is completely shocked to hear this, It's like anti quirk material but better! And if someone with a quirk tries to take it their quirk will slowly weaken! That's Awesome!

Liebe: "The next is the demon dweller sword. This sword allows you to borrow the effects of quirks from quirk users. So say if that Todoroki guy were to shoot his fire at you, If his fire touches the sword the middle part of the sword will glow orange, if he shoots ice at you and it touches the sword it'll glow Light blue. If he touches the sword for too long his quirk will be gone." Liebe says explaining the effects of the demon dweller sword.

This is so cool! This only gets more awesome by the second! He's gonna be so badass once he masters his new abilities!

Liebe: "And the third and final sword allows you to Generate tendrils that can cancel out the after-effects of quirks. So for example, if someone has a quirk that permanently gives a victim a blue arm, then this sword will cancel that out. And this is the real kicker if someone quirk gets STOLEN, this sword will restore the victim's quirk while also removing it from whoever stole it. Cool right?"

Izuku: "Cool?!?!? That was Awesome!! If I can use that third sword I can restore ragdolls quirk! If I can use all of them I can do so many cool things it'll be so useful for being a hero! Maybe not number 1 but at least I'll still be a hero!" Izuku says the last part sadly but still happy that he'll be a hero at the end of the day.

Liebe: "Oh yeah, forgot to mention somethings, Like your demon forms or the last 2 swords but I'm not gonna mention those until you master your three swords." Liebe says in a stern tone.

Liebe: "One more thing, don't mention anything I said to you in here to ANYONE. Especially not that y/n guy or Vanica." Liebe explains to him.

Izuku: "I wasn't going to anyway. So when do I start." Izuku asks.

Liebe: "When you're far away from the others. Y/n and Vanica can't sense when you activate your swords. They can only sense me specifically." Liebe explains.

Liebe: "Now wake up kid. You have training to do." Liebe says in a military general-like tone.

Izuku: "Ok Liebe! Thanks for everything." Izuku says while flashing a million-watt smile.

Liebe: "Yeah. Whatever you say brat." He says in a tsundere-like tone.

Then Izuku wakes up, leaving liebe by himself, then he says.

Liebe: "Hm. Me and him are gonna be good friends one day. I can feel it. He reminds me so much of asta..." He says to himself while shedding a tear.

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