Chapter 5

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All for One: "Yes, and current user of One for all is... Izuku Midoriya." All for one says with a pause, thinking about how Kaminari will react.

Kaminari: "Oh him? Shouldn't be too hard. I'm as strong as the nomu that could go toe to toe with All Might! His days are numbered. Consider him dead." Kaminari says with a sick grin.

All for One: "I wouldn't underestimate him if I were you. He as his classmates, his teachers, and those hero notes of his to back him up." All for one says warning Kaminari.

Kaminari: "Yeah yeah whatever, all his information on me is useless since I faked all my drawbacks. He also doesn't know that I'm working for you and that I have multiple new powerful quirks" Kaminari says in a smug tone of voice.

All for One: "Guess that's fair. I still wouldn't underestimate him though, he has a good head on his shoulders." All for One says to try to calm down his Semi Overconfident LOV member.

-Cut to UA-

Izuku: *Hits the back of his neck during a pop quiz* "W-what the heck.." He whispered to himself, having a sudden chill run up his spine.

Aizawa: "Problem Child, what's the matter?" Aizawa questions the green cinnamon roll.

Izuku: "You know, ever since You expelled Kaminari I've always had these weird chills, like the room I'm in suddenly drops 20 degrees, I have a bad feeling that he'll try and pull something." The green bean says in a slightly worried tone of voice.

Aizawa: "Don't worry problem child. Your safe as long as you keep on your guard and stay close to your friends. And if he does try anything, *he then activates his quirk* We'll strike him down and throw him in Tartarus." Aizawa says in an uncharacteristically determined voice to call the green beam down.

Izuku: "O-Ok Aizawa Sensei!" Izuku says in a shaken yet determined tone.

Aizawa: "Good. Now get back to work." Aizawa Says getting back to his precious nap.

Izuku: "H-Hai!" Izuku says.

-cut to Y/n and Vanica 4 days later, 7 hours until the heroes show up at their house-

Vanica: "Cmon Cmon JUST DIE ALREADY!!" Vanica shouts at the TV screen.

Y/n: "Nope don't feel like dying today! Schedule it for another... TI-" You try to say as you get cut by Vanica finally beating you at Smash Ultimate.

Vanica: "I-I-I WON!! FINALLY! AFTER 4 PAIN STAKING MONTHS I FINALLY WON!!" Vanica says as she does her victory dance, celebrating the fact that she finally ending your 4 month streak of you beating her.

(A/N: Imagine that is Vanica.)

Y/n: 'Man... She is so adorable when she's happy... If only I had the guts to say how I feel. This isn't like me, I can fight in a war without a single bit of fear in my body but I can't say how I feel about someone... Man, I'm such an Idiot.' You say in your mind, unknowingly staring at her.

Vanica: "H-Hey Y/n... Quit s-staring at me like that.." She says in a nervous tone of voice, while slightly blushing

Y/n: "S-Sorry.." You apologized nervously while also dashing off to your room, while also blushing.

-cut to your room-

Y/n: "WHY?!?! WHY IS THIS SO HARD?! JUST SAY HOW YOU LOVE HER DAMMIT!! YOU GOTTA SAY IT TO HER SOMEDAY" You scream to yourself out loud yourself in your room, while also banging your head on a wall. Unknowingly being overheard by Vanica.

Vanica: 'W-Wait?! Am I hearing this correctly?? Does he like me?!?' She screams in her mind, overhearing what you were saying from her room.

Vanica: 'OK, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! IM CONFESSING HOW I FEEL TOMORROW AND THAT IS FINAL!!' She screams within her head with a burning fire in her eye.

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