Chapter 18

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-Timeskip 1 year.-

A lot of stuff has happened over the last year. The most prominent thing that has happened however was the war against the Paranormal Liberation front, which happened Around 3 months after you and vanica left. Because of You and Vanica not being there, everything went to shit. Several pro heroes ended up dead, And Izuku ended up in a coma due to his fight with Toga, who was the person who received all for one.

But around 3 months after that Izuku had a rematch against All for one and this time, he pulled no punches. He used everything in his arsenal, The quirks he received from the Vestiges of One for All and His Antimagic. After he used everything he had, He had won. All for one was no more and the world had been saved from his terror.  

Around 6 months after that all of class 1-a had graduated. And had been promoted to class 2-a. Eri had turned 7 years old and Kota had turned 6. Eri has gained better control of her quirk over the last year, and can now use it for however long she desires and when she desires. She wanted to become as strong as possible to make you proud for when you came back. Kota also trained his quirk, although he denied it he also wanted to be as strong as possible for when you came back.

Izuku had gained way better control of One for All. As he can use 3 of them out of the 7 users quirks. Black whip, Float, and Danger Sense. He has also gained mastery over his Anti-Magic power. As he can go into his demon form whenever he wants. He can also combine full cowling and his demon form to make what he calls "Black Cowling" but doing this puts a strain on the body, As he can only use this form for around 5 minutes.

Liebe and the one for all Vestiges have also become great friends, and they talk all the time about their lives and how long they've lived. Sometimes Izuku goes into his landscape to see them play video games. Those were great days.

Bakugo has awakened his quirk during the war. And in the few months after the war, he has reigned in his power a bit. He has also developed complete Immunity to the cold and is no longer weakened by it.

Todoroki can now use both of his aides at the same time easier. He is currently working on making his quirk as strong as possible for when you come back. As he wants to have a fighting chance against you.

Everyone else also either majorly reduced their quirk side effects or have gotten rid of them entirely.

-Cut to class 2-a during a lesson.-

Everyone was jumpy, they couldn't even contain their excitement, as today was the day that you and Vanica were coming back. They were so excited that some of the students weren't paying attention to the lesson. As they were talking to other students.

Mina: "Hey Toru! Y/n is coming back today! Can you believe it!" Mina said whisper shouting excitedly at Toru.

Toru: "Yeah, I can't believe it either! This year has flown by so quickly. It feels like yesterday that they left!" Toru whisper shouted back at Mina.

Aizawa then activates his quirk and says:

Aizawa: "Zip it back there Mina. We're all excited for the return of y/n and Vanica. But you need to keep it down." Aizawa says menacingly. Making Mina shiver in fear and quickly Nod.

Aizawa: "Lessons over anyway. You guys can go back to your dorms." Aizawa said. But he was lying, He may not show it but he was excited about your return. He wanted to see how strong you have gotten. So he ended the lesson early.

-Timeskip one hour.-

Everyone was chilling in the dorms until suddenly, They felt pressure wash over them. You told them that when they felt a wave of pressure go over them, that means that they were in UA.

Izuku: "THEYRE BACK THEYRE BACK!" Izuku shouted Excitedly.

Bakugo: "Well?! What the fuck are we waiting for?!? LET'S GO FUCKING SEE THEM ALREADY!" Bakugo shouted at everyone.

Everyone: "YEAH!" Everyone said as they dashed out of their dorms.

-Cut to Nezu in the teacher's lounge-

Nezu was casually eating cheese and drinking tea in his office, talking to All might, until suddenly, he felt a Wave of pressure go over him.

Nezu: "Oh hey, that must be y/n and Vanica!" Nezu said excitedly.

All might: "Let's go and see them!" All might said to nezu, with nezu nodding in agreement.

-Cut to outside UA.-

We see 2 horned figures, One wearing a long black and red jacket with black pants. With a brown belt. With a horn over the right side of his face, With tattoos all over his right arm, and with an eye that glowed a light blue color.

We see another horned figure wearing a long blue sleeveless jacket with a horn going over the left side of their head. They were also wearing a green shirt with black pants. They had tattoos going over their left arm.

(The picture above.)

These two figures were you and vanica. After an entire year of training, you two were finally back.

You two were walking barefoot, with smiles on your faces. As you watch class 2-a run toward you.

You and Vanica: "WE'RE BACK BITCHES!!" You and Vanica said to have a long-awaited reunion with your classmates.

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