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We cut to a 21-year-old Izuku having a conversation with you in his house, Along with Todoroki and Bakugo.

Y/n: "Cmon man, you just gotta DO IT!" You say trying to motivate Izuku.

Izuku: "But what if she rejects me? What if I propose to her and she rejects me? What if she-" Izuku then gets cut off by you smacking him on the head.

Y/n: "Quit Mumbling! Even after all these years you still haven't gotten rid of that habit huh? Anyway, You gotta go and do it, man. Just walk up to her, and SAY THE MAGIC WORDS!" You said to Izuku.

Todoroki: "Yeah man, It ain't that hard. It's just a couple of words." Todoroki said to Izuku while chuckling at his nervousness.

Izuku: "Well News flash: I'm not as confident in the Romance department as you, I mean what do you expect me to do? Just walk up to her and propose as you did?!" Izuku says while crying Anime tears.

Y/n: "Thats because I was confident, Cmon dude, you're the Number 2 hero! And you have One for All and those 6 other quirks, How could any girl reject that?" You said to Izuku, using his Number 2 hero position as a way to encourage him.

Bakugo: "Yeah Deku! Just go fucking do it already!" Bakugo said to Izuku, Over the years, he has humbled and is no longer the egotistical asshole he was while in UA, but he still has his explosive personality.

Izuku: "F-Fine Kacchan..." Izuku said timidly. Even as a grown adult, Even as the Number 2 hero, Izuku still calls Bakugo his childhood Nickname.

Izuku then goes over to Ochako, who's sitting in another room on her phone.

Izuku: "H-Hey Ochako?" Izuku called her nervously.

Ochako: "Hm? Yeah Deku, what's up?" Ochako Answered him, not knowing what was about to happen.

Izuku then gets on one knee and pulls out a box, Ochako seeing what he's doing, starts tearing up a bit.

Izuku: "W-Will you m-marry me?" Izuku said nervously as tried he to run away, not wanting to hear him being rejected.

As he tried to run away, Ochako uses her Evolved Gravity quirk to hold him in place.

Ochako: "Y-YES!!" Ochako says while crying tears of pure unfiltered joy.

Ochako then pulls Deku towards her and gives him a passionate kiss. This goes on for several minutes, then Ochako speaks.

Ochako: "W-What took you so long you d-dummy!!" Ochako says while still crying.

Izuku: "I-I thought you would reject me!" Izuku says while he also starts crying.

You, In the other room hearing this, decide to leave.

Y/n: "Well guys, I think our job is done here. I'll be leaving now." You say as you Use Flying Raijin to teleport home.

We cut to a 12-year-old eri and an 11-year-old Kota talking with Vanica, Then they suddenly feel you teleport in the living room, making them excited.

Eri: "Papa! You're back!" Eri said to you, happy that you returned from your meeting with Izuku.

Kota: "Hey Dad! It's nice to see you back!" Kota also said happily, Over the years, Kota has developed a relationship with you, and sees you as a father and Eri as his sister.

Y/n: "It's good to see you too as well, did you practice your water walking?" You asked them, Shortly after you graduated from UA, You discovered that Eri and Kota could use Chakra, So you decided to train them. As a starting point, you decided to give them chakra paper to see what Affinity they have, Eri ended up having an Affinity for Dust Release, while Kota got an Affinity for Wood release. Which when they heard they could get abilities like their father, They were ecstatic.

Eri: "Of course I have Papa! I mastered it in an Hour!" Eri said proudly.

Kota: "Well sis, I mastered water walking in 40 minutes!" Kota said while puffing his chest out pridefully.

Eri: "No fair bro! You cheated!" Eri said while pouting.

Vanica: "Alright Alright, Calm down you too." Vanica said while parting their heads, calming them down almost instantly.

Vanica then walks over to you and gives you a peck on the lips.

Vanica: "So honey, did he finally propose to her?" Vanica asked you.

Y/n: "Yeah he did, I don't know why it was so hard for him." You responded to Vanica.

Vanica: "Well you don't understand because You're not the type of person to get nervous when it comes to romance." Vanica says to you.

Y/n: "I guess you're right." You said bashfully.

-Timeskip 3 more years.-

Eri and Kota are now 15 and 14 years old and have somewhat skilled in using their Dust and Wood release, Eri is planning on Going to UA as her father did, and Kota plans to do so too.

We then see you and Vanica sitting in your room, having a Conversation.

Y/n: "Man, It's funny how life can fly by so fast. It feels like just yesterday we were In UA." You said Reminiscently.

Vanica: "I know right?! We've come so far in life." Vanica said also reminiscently.

Y/n: "As much as I'd like to think it. This won't last forever, There will eventually be Another threat to the world like Yorino, And I've got a feeling that they'll be After these guys." You then Lift your shirt, letting 6 creatures out.

" You then Lift your shirt, letting 6 creatures out

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Y/n: "I didn't get to the other 3 in time. Before those bastards took them." You said while clenching your fists.

Vanica: "Calm down honey, I'm sad that the others got stolen as well, but in due time, We'll free them." Vanica says trying to cheer you up.

Y/n: "You're right. But all I know is that Eri and Kota have one hell of a fight ahead of them, And we can't just hold their hands. This is their journey and we can't interfere with it." You said while holding Vanicas hand.

Vanica: "Couldn't have said it better myself. After all, they will be this new generation's

Monster Duo."

The Monster Duo (Malereader x BNHA) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now