Chapter 15, Part 3

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Dante had just gotten out of the planetoid that you sealed him in, and he is PISSED. Not only because you killed his brother, (which is the main reason) but also because you forced him to use 100% of his demon power, which he doesn't like doing.

Y/n: "S-Shit! I thought he'd me in there longer!" You say in a panicky tone.

Vanica: "Well damn, I figured he break out of there eventually but I didn't think he'd do it so early!" Vanica said Suprised and also scared by his demon form.

Y/n: 'Ok, I'm running low on chakra and Vanica is running low on magic, What the hell are we supposed to do?!' You said while panicking internally.

Dante: "I wanted this to be easy, I wanted your deaths to be quick and painless, So we could avoid them, But you just had to make this harder than it has to be." Dante says with a demonic voice.

-Cut to class 1-a watching from the sidelines.-

Izuku: "Shit! We have to do Something! They're gonna die!" Izuku says scared for his classmates.

Bakugo: "We can't do shit you damn nerd. That Dante guy outclasses tremendously. If we tried to help we'd be slaughtered in seconds." Bakugo says in an uncharacteristically sad voice.

Kirishima: "We can't just sit here and let them die though!" Kirishima refutes to Bakugo.


Aizawa: 'Damn... They're both exhausted and Dante doesn't look even slightly winded. Hopefully, they have something up their sleeves, Otherwise, We're done for.' Aizawa says fearing for the worst.

-cut to Y/n and Vanica vs Dante.-

Dante, wanting you out of the picture first, uses his gravity magic to slam you around in the air and the ground.

Dante, wanting you out of the picture first, uses his gravity magic to slam you around in the air and the ground

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After a few seconds, he slams you to the ground for a final time. He then stops flying and lands on the ground himself.

Y/n: 'D-Damn! I didn't think he'd be able to do that.' You think to yourself while coughing out blood.

Dante then walks toward you, then he stomps on your back, causing you to groan in pain and also stopping you from moving.

Vanica: "Get off him you-!" but before she could finish her sentence, Dante uses his gravity magic to slam her into the ground, stopping her from moving.

You then maneuver your head to look up at him.

Y/n: "Amater-!" But before you could finish. You feel a burning pain in your right eye as it starts to bleed.

Y/n: 'Damn! I didn't think I would be his low, I can't even use Amaterasu anymore!' You think to yourself.

You then try to get up, but Dante just stomps you to the ground and says:

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