Chapter 13

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Y/n: "Goddammit... So they ended up showing up anyway." You say disappointed at the fact that nezu lied about the fact that UA students aide from you wouldn't be participating.

Y/n: "Ah whatever. Im sure they'll be competent enough to not die." You say nonchalantly.

We see You, along with everyone else in a large room with a table in the middle, Planning an attack on Overhaul's organization.

Izuku: "Oh come Y/n! Don't be like that! We need as many people as possible if we want to have a good chance at taking this guy down!" Izuku shouts at you in an angry tone because you doubting his abilities.

Lemillion: "Yeah Y/n! You may be super strong and all but that doesn't mean you can look down on the rest of us!" Lemillion also shouts at you.

Y/n: "Yeah yeah whatever. That's not the point." You reply to them, not caring that they shouted at you.

Rock Lock: "Why are we letting a bunch of kids participate? They may be from UA but they'll just hold us back" Rock Lock says, not wanting children to participate in a mission as important as this.

Y/n: "Yeah yeah Lock head. Whatever you say." You said getting Rock Lock angry.

Rock: "W-Why you little-!" But before he can retaliate, he is cut off by Nighteye.

Nighteye: "We're getting off track here!" Shouted Nighteye.

Nighteye: "Now then, Y/n. Nezu said to me that you made a Clone of Eri, do you know it's location?" He questions you.

Y/n: "Yep, I can even see what it's seeing." You replied to Nighteye.

Nighteye: "Ok good. Now then, with the location of the base that Y/n has gathered for us this plan should go smoothly. Everyone, you're dismissed." Nighteye says in a commanding tone.

(A/N: Im skipping straight to the final battle with overhaul. But Izukus legs got injured by some spikes that were made by overhaul, So you have to fight him instead.)

-We cut to Overhaul going into his Massive fusion form-

Y/n: "Well... *you whistle as you say* That ain't good." You say to the injured heroes behind you.

Y/n: "Well, it's been a while since I had to do this, but it's a nice change of pace from beating everyone I fight without effort." You say as you activate your perfect Susanoo.

" You say as you activate your perfect Susanoo

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(Art not mine)

Everyone is completely shocked by the sheer size of the humanoid being in front of them, Nearly doubling in height of Overhaul.

Izuku: 'Oh you gotta be kidding me! How is this fair?! He completely surpasses everything I've ever seen!' Izuku says in his head with a completely flabbergasted by the power your displaying.

Izuku: 'Oh you gotta be kidding me! How is this fair?! He completely surpasses everything I've ever seen!' Izuku says in his head with a completely flabbergasted by the power your displaying

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