Final Battle, Part 4

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After Yorino did a bunch of underhanded tricks, you and Vanica get up, bruised and battered. You and Vanica then look around the castle but notice that Yorino isn't there anymore

Y/n: "Where the hell did that bastard go?" You said angrily

Vanica: "Did he... Runaway?" Vanica questioned confused that their opponent was gone.

Then, you guys hear a voice coming from the entrance of the castle.

Yorino: "Yoohoo! Over here, Come get me~!" Yorino shouts at you two while running away.

-cut to Boruto and Sarada.-

Boruto hears the faint sounds of Yorino mocking someone.

Boruto: "Oi Sarada, Yorino is mocking his opponent, that could only mean-"

Sarada: "That whoever he's fighting has figured out his time stop!" Sarada says, cutting boruto off.

Boruto: "And Thats a good sign, But also a bad one. That means that he resorted to using underhanded tactics. And those were good enough to put US in this cell." Boruto says in a worried tone.

Sarada: "Let's just hope that they can overcome those tricks and end him once and for all!" Sarada says with a fire in her eye.

Boruto: "I hope so too."

-Y/n and Vanica vs Yorino-

We cut to you and Vanica flying after Yorino whilst he's running.

Y/n: "GET YOUR SORRY ASS BACK HERE!" You should at him.

Vanica: "COME HERE SO WE CAN KICK YOUR TEETH IN!!" Vanica also shouts angrily

Yorino: 'Yes YES! This is good, if they keep flying after me, they're bound to run out of Stamina eventually, and when they do, I'll stop time and beat the crap out of them and throw them in the same cell as Boruto and Sarada!' Yorino thinks to himself evilly.

Y/n: 'Damn! This guy is a fast runner!' You think to yourself while seeing Yorino run.

Vanica: 'Geez, At this rate, we are never gonna catch him!' Vanica thinks to herself.

After a full day of straight running, both you and vanica are winded, You and her and have no way of catching Yorino, even with all of the Jutsu you used It was useless. He was just too fast.

As you and Vanica try to catch your breath, Yorino stops time and hits you and Vanica with a barrage of punches.

As you and Vanica try to catch your breath, Yorino stops time and hits you and Vanica with a barrage of punches

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But before time can resume, Yorino hits an epic pose and says.

Yorino: "Time has begun to move again."


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