♔Part V♔

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Tyler POV

As I stepped outside, I was almost blinded by the brightness of the sun, and I had to cover my eyes for a second to let them adjust. I squinted at the ground, knowing from experience that looking directly at the sun after being indoors for so long was a very stupid idea. As I slowly moved them back upwards, I wondered why it was so bright outside today; it'd been cloudy the past few days, not that I've payed much attention, having only noticed from the inside of the windows of the palace, and it was still fairly early. Usually, it didn't get to this level from light until much later in the day.

Then again, maybe fate just wanted to make my meeting with my mother perfect; perfect backdrop, perfect atmosphere, perfect view. Just perfect.

Once my sight got used to the outdoors, I rubbed my hands over my eyes, under my glasses ( which my father often complained were too unprofessional for my position ) hoping that the coldness of my plans would help me get used to the heat.

I knew that back, centuries ago, before the Caste System and the monarchy was reinstated, people rarely had to go through this much, when going outside. And I guess the people of the provinces don't either, now that I think about it. But when you're practically barricaded in the castle, except for short periods of time that was always monitored by the guards, well, the transition was difficult.

I knew I must've looked like an idiot, rapidly blinking and alternating my gaze between the ground and whatever was eye level, and I vaguely remembered the fact that one of the servants was out here for some business, but I honestly couldn't be bothered to care what I looked like. Even if by some off chance, my father did have cameras outside - though I really don't think he did - and if he just happened to be watching me right now, though I don't think he is, I didn't care. Just because he was allowed to go outside whenever he pleased doesn't mean he couldn't understand how hard it was for those of us who don't get to as easily as him, even if I did have much better odds at leaving the palace grounds than the servants and maids.

Once I was finally starting to get out of my stupor, I noticed a figure shifting across the courtyard - probably Troye Mellet - apparently oblivious to my presence. His back was facing me, his lanky figure ambling through a particularly blossoming rose bush, his long, nimble-looking fingers occasionally running along one of the stems. Judging by the two baskets full of perfectly pruned flowers just a few feet away from him, I would guess that he's gathering the flowers for the bouquets that my mother suggested be placed everywhere, for the benefit of the Selected.

Since I probably wasn't being watched - and even if I was, there was no way audio could be heard from how far away I know was the the castle exterior - I decided to pass the time waiting for my mother, and see what the boy was doing.

Placing my hands in my pants pockets, I strolled calmly to the young man with a small smile adorning my face. Just when I was about to alert of him of my presence, so as not to startle him, I stopped dead in my tracks, immediately recognizing the familiar face.

Troye Sivan.

He still didn't seem to notice me, and dumbfounded, I took a moment to take in his appearance to see if I was just imagining things. But as I looked over his brown hair, styled neatly into a quiff similar to mine, his thin, tall stature, and elegant facial features, I knew it was definitely him.

One thing that I noticed was different, however, was his demeanor. When we first encountered one another, he was constantly on edge, whereas here, his calm, serene starkly contrasted it. I suddenly wondered if this was one of the rare moments that his face was this open and free, or he was naturally like this, and I was the one who kept him on his toes.

The Selection (Troyler AU)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin