♔Part XXXIX♔

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Before anyone asks any questions or gets pissed, yes, I did delete The Fall, and I won't be putting it back up, or continuing it. Sorry to anyone this disappoints, but I really duh myself in a hole with it, and could never have come up with a good plot/decent 3rd person POV writing for it, so yano. If anyone else wants to use the idea, have fun, I don't really care tbh.

Also this story has over 80K reads fucking shit guys you're insane <3

Also just curious but how many of you are still active readers? Mind commenting on this so I can see just how many of you are still here? :)

Tyler POV

He was standing on the other end of the room, leaning back against the wall with his arms crossed, surveying the room with glazed eyes and only a mild interest before realizing that I'd spotted him. He met my gaze, and instantly, the clouds behind his eyes evaporated, as if he'd just woken up from a sleep-induced haze. He gave a small smile, lifting his hand in greeting.

Swallowing roughly, I nodded once in acknowledgement, trying to match his smile with one of my own, but the action proved harder than I'd expected. Looking at him standing there, clad in all black and white - a stark contrast to the various color combinations ornamenting the room, with the Selected swathed in the boldest shades themselves - in a well-fitted, immaculate suit, was enough to knock the wind out of me, rendering me speechless and utterly in awe of just how good he looked.

I knew Hannah had personally done his outfit herself, but I never could've predicted the end result. Of course, Troye'd always been stunning, regardless of whether he was wearing an old t-shirt or his work clothes or otherwise; but the formal attire had completely transformed him, turning him from someone meant to be ignored, to someone who demanded attention - even if it was just my own.

And God, was he demanding my attention.

Before I could decide whether or not going over to him was a good idea, I felt a light tap on my shoulder. Reluctantly, I wrenched my eyes away from him, the captivating image of his long and lithe figure burned into my mind as I turned, only to find an odd ensemble together: Zoë, her brother, Joe, Captain Deyes and Troye's friend, Caspar.

I smiled warmly, trying to shake off the intruding thoughts concerning the boy that I didn't dare label, and said,"Hey Zoë." I merely nodded at the others, still too lost in thought to properly greet them. From the way they were talking, though, I'd guess that they'd been well met - particularly Joe and Caspar, to my surprise. "Are you enjoying yourselves so far?"

Zoë nodded in answer for all of them. "Definitely," she confirmed. "Though I am a little worried about what Queen Grace will have to say to us."

I shook my head, waving a hand dismissively. "I wouldn't worry about it. She can be intimidating, but I think she's pretty harmless, for the most part."

She nodded, emitting an inaudible sigh of relief, clearly consoled by my words. "I hope so." She shot a glance at her brother, who was currently in the middle of an animated conversation with Caspar, and said,"Oh, I don't suppose you've met my brother, Joe, already?"

"I have actually," I replied, watching as she raised her eyebrows in surprise. For her benefit, I added,"He's helped me out a couple of times before. Fine man, really."

Truthfully, the only distinct memories I have of Officer Sugg are when he escorted me to Korey in the control room, and when he and Zoë rendezvoused in the bunker during the rebel attack. However, looking at the proud expression on her face, I decided that she didn't need to know that.

"Really?" she shot a smile at her brother, one that remained unnoticed by him as he watched, transfixed, as Caspar made some lively hand gestures that I failed to understand. "That's great, Tyler. I'm glad to hear it."

The Selection (Troyler AU)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin