♔Part XIV♔

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I am Rixton trash.

Troye POV

The sight of the someone you should have no connections to at your door is enough to wake anybody up, but the fact that it was Prince Tyler Oakley of Illéa makes the situation even more surreal than the usual stranger visiting you.

Cautiously, I checked down both sides of the hallway, to see if anyone else saw the Prince just standing there in wait. No one was around, but that didn't stop me from worrying that anyone would see us - especially with the surveillance watching me - because if I get seen with the Prince on more than one occasion, then that's bound to get me noticed.

He didn't seem to notice me there yet, simply facing the ebony stained door that led to my room. I wasn't sure how long he was standing there, but it couldn't have been that long if he was still there, even after I didn't answer him. Either way, though, I was mesmerized by the fact that he was waiting patiently, clearly hoping that he would be answered. I suppose that makes sense for him; everyone probably rushes to the door to answer his call, even if they don't know he's the presence on the other side in the first place.

Shaking myself out of my stupor, I padded to feet soundlessly across the carpeted floors, balancing the plate of cooling pancakes on my hand as I did so. I expected him to turn around, or even acknowledge my appearance, but he was still focused solely on the door. Did he seriously think I was in there, if I didn't answer by this point? I wondered, but decided against thinking much of it. He must've just made a mistake in address, confusing someone else's room for my own. After all, why would he have reason to visit my quarters, let alone remember my name? I was the servant, and he was the Prince. As if there was anything else to it.

I tentatively approached him, noting the unsure expression on his face, and cleared my throat once I was about a foot or so away from him. He swung around, eyes darting for the disturbance of the silence, until they settled on me. His pupils dilated, as recognition settled over his face, followed by a relaxed smile. "Troye Sivan Mellet," he spoke, a fondness to his voice that didn't exactly fit the way we were acquainted. It left me dumbfounded for a moment, not to mention that he remembered my full name accurately, but I recovered before my evident surprise could become too awkward.

I bowed as much as I could, wary of the loaded plate on my arm. "Prince Tyler," I began respectfully - and found that I somehow meant the respect a smidge, unlike last time.

He raised his eyebrows, crinkling them slightly. "Remember what I said about the title part?"

"Right, sorry Tyler," I amended, though in all honesty, I only added the title in the consideration of the supposed cameras that Caspar warned me about. I really needed to find out if he knew where they were all placed, so I'd know where to watch myself more than others. Straightening myself, I asked,"What're you doing here?"

He grinned a charismatic smile, one that should've been plastered across banners instead of the usual hardened expression he wore in public. "Ah, that. I'm guessing you're aware that your crew mate, Caspar Lee, told me that you were the one to cook for the girls the other day?"

I nodded, curious as to where this could be going. "Yeah, Connor told me when he said we had the day off," I replied, unable to help the hint of satisfaction leaking rough my words at the fact that it was my doing that got us all the break. It was prideful, yes, but it definitely felt good to be responsible for something that so many others appreciated.

"Right. Well, as you probably guessed, your amazing job at it was the reason I gave all of you the day off. And because of how great it was, I wanted to personally thank you for such a good meal." He blushed after his words, the color prominent against his pale skin tone. Before I could think the odd reaction over too much, he pulled a paper out of his jacket lapel, handing it to me. "And I also came to let you know that because the Ladies all really enjoyed the things you've made for them, I've had your morning tasks switched with Mr. Lee."

The Selection (Troyler AU)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin